Help, My Two Adf's Are Missing


New Member
Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
Southampton, UK
Its been over 24 hours now and I still havent seen my 2 ADF's....

Ive got a 70L tank with a few hiding spots, but the little critters cant be found anywhere.

Its strange how BOTH are missing, Im guessing that either they have escaped or have been eaten.

They share the tank with 4 Glass Catfish, 2 Cobalt Blue Gouramis, 1 Hillstream Loach, 6 Kuhli Loach and 2 Upside Down Catfish.

They were too big to fit in to the mouth of any of their tankmates, but could they have been picked off and eaten in bits (there are no visable remains)

Im guessing that the Upside Down Catfish is the prime suspect, but they seem to small to go for the Frog.

Ive had a look around the room and have not found any remains.

Can anyone help with any thoughts they might have.
Have you checked in your filter? I've heard a few cases of them getting in there, especially HOBs.
Is your tank totally covered?

I've heard they're apt to jump out and go exploring. If you're lucky and it's only been a day or two they should be okay.

Of course, my ADFs never stumbled off anywhere, but the first thing I would do if I couldn't find them in the tank would be look outside the tank.

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