Help my Tiger Barbs!


New Member
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
South Side, Chicago
I've had three Tiger Barbs in my 20 Gallon for two months or so. Now that the tank has cycled, I've started adding new fish--this weekend, I added four 'Yellow' Danios. Not really sure what Yellow Danios are, yet, but they seem to behave just like regular Danios...

... except...

These Danios hang out (well, dart about) in the middle of the tank--right above my anubias and crpyts. If my Tiger Barbs so much as dare swim in this layer of the tank, the Danios chase them right out. The Barbs are terrified, and, as a result, have been hanging out 'floating' in the corners of the tank, usually towards the top of the tank. They're pretty miserable, and I feel terrible. What should I do?

I was thinking of adding two more barbs, but I don't want to add them if they, too, will be miserable.

Thanks for your advice,

I third that :D

Tiger barbs in a in a schoal are VERY brave. and will not scare so easily.

sounds strange doesn't

I think because the danios are fast swimming fish and the tiger barbs-- being in a small
group makes the tiger barbs ....scared.

Normally Tiger Barbs rule the tank!!!
WOW have you got a video of these barb attacking danios :lol: I have never seen anything like you described in over 25 years in the hobby :eek: . But as much as i love tiger barbs it would be worth cash to see them chased out by some danios :rofl:
Unfortunately not... no digital camera :( But for those of you who're interested, it appears these Danios are Glowlight Danios (Danio Choprae), which may have something to do with it.

oh your poor barbs!! definitely add more they like to be in a gang & are much happier and less likely to turn the tables & start nipping the naughty danios(although doesnt sound like your bunch will do this)
our barbs are really like a naughty gang of teenagers always milling around creating mischief or in the early morning & evening swimming around doing what we call the 'tank patrol' checking everything out! they act really tough but we have found when we're doing anything in the tank or even just moving the algae magnet they are the tank inhabitants who are terrified.... dart around twitch twitch twitching , whereas everyone else in the tank is curious. im sure they'll be happier as everyone hs said in a bigger gang.
good luck.......theyre brilliant fish to have, real characters :D

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