Help My Snail Ate Sick Shrimp


Feb 27, 2009
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i just saw my assassin snail eating a dead diseased red cherry shrimp. I didnt take the shrimp out because it has been living with the milky white condition for a while and it was fine. In the tank, there are MANY baby red cherry shrimps that might of took a piece off the diseased shrimp. i kno this can transfer the disease to the other shrimp but will this wipe out my entire shrimp population? I cant take out the diseased baby cherry shrimp because i have too many plants and too many hiding spaces.. also they are about 1-2mm long.

if this wil wipe out my shrimp tank, is there any way i can save them or is watching them die the only thing i can do?

also, will my assassin snail die from the disease too?

PS. the disease is kind of like what you would find with ghost shrimp at petsmart, it was milky white in the body.

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