Help My Sick Oto


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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One of my otos has a swollen belly. It's very red as if there is some internal bleeding. He's having trouble swimming but is still eating.

Water parameters are all good, ammonia 0, nitrates 5, pH 6.8. It's a 30 gallon tank that's been set up for 3.75 years. This was one of my first fish. Nothing has been done to the tank lately. I change the water on average once every two weeks about 20%, sometimes more often, but at least that much. I'm located in NY.

Symptoms point to some kind of bacteria infection according to what I've read, or maybe there is a digestive problem. Can fish get blocked or constipated? I'm going to get some meds tomorrow morning so any help you can provide now is appreciated.
If its bloated usually you can feed a frozen pea, you need to cook it for a few mins, let cool, peel shell off then feed it a small bit of the pea..
Pool on of blood beneath the skin and red patches is septicemia.
You are best issolating the fish as bacteria from the fish can enter the tank.
Once septicemia has progressed its very hard to cure.
If you can issolate the fish to a hospital tank antibiotic like tetracycline.
Pool on of blood beneath the skin and red patches is septicemia.
You are best issolating the fish as bacteria from the fish can enter the tank.
Once septicemia has progressed its very hard to cure.
If you can issolate the fish to a hospital tank antibiotic like tetracycline.

I'm afraid my little oto has passed on to that great river in the sky. I tried isolating and treating with antibiotics but, as you say, I think it had progressed too far. I don't think I caught it in time. I'm down to one lonely oto now.

Thanks for the help though.
hi go on to wilkapdia and read about these poor buggers(how thay catch them)bless, :grr:
poor otociclus! i want one of these guys. try the pea trick and maybe some dropsey medication.

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