New Member
I have a 5gl tank & originally got a baby pleco(1 /12 in) & a beta(about 5 weeks ago), soon after they got ick due to rapid water temp changes caused by a faulty heater. I treated the tank with liquid super ick cure, making sure to remove the carbon from the filter ect ect. And after soon after, there were no more spots, so i though all was good, but a few days later, my beta died. I went to the local pet store with a sample of my water & found out that it was dangerously high in ammonia, I made a 75% water chg and added “cycle” regularly and ammonia levels completely disappeared. My pleco seemed fine at this point, except that he seemed to be shedding skin… One day he had a very large piece hanging off him almost like an exoskeleton shedding, but they generally were very small white strand that would eventually fall off so I thought it was his reaction to the ammonia since it didn't look like any disease I could read about online and was his only visible symptom. I waited at least a week before I introduced 2 guppies & apple snail within about 3-4 days my pregnant female was just sitting on the bottom of the tank and her eyes were almost completely black. The only other visible sign was some kind of red poo coming out her (but it didn't move, just hung off of her) I took her out and put her in quarantine and she died a few hours later. During all this the snail & pleco seem fine, well almost. pleco seemed to have a little discoloration not much but, I might just be paranoid after everything that’s happened. Today I noticed that the pleco’s top fin has a little piece missing and i’m unable to get pic since he closes he’s fin when I come close. My Ph is 8, the ammonia is 0, temp about 74, and make a 30% water change weekly & add cycle. It has stayed the same since introduced guppies & snail. So i'm at a complete loss, my pet store is no help, i don't want to keep loosing fish like this, it's sad, so if anyone has any info for my pleco it would be greatly appreciated. I would hate to lose him.
I have a 5gl tank & originally got a baby pleco(1 /12 in) & a beta(about 5 weeks ago), soon after they got ick due to rapid water temp changes caused by a faulty heater. I treated the tank with liquid super ick cure, making sure to remove the carbon from the filter ect ect. And after soon after, there were no more spots, so i though all was good, but a few days later, my beta died. I went to the local pet store with a sample of my water & found out that it was dangerously high in ammonia, I made a 75% water chg and added “cycle” regularly and ammonia levels completely disappeared. My pleco seemed fine at this point, except that he seemed to be shedding skin… One day he had a very large piece hanging off him almost like an exoskeleton shedding, but they generally were very small white strand that would eventually fall off so I thought it was his reaction to the ammonia since it didn't look like any disease I could read about online and was his only visible symptom. I waited at least a week before I introduced 2 guppies & apple snail within about 3-4 days my pregnant female was just sitting on the bottom of the tank and her eyes were almost completely black. The only other visible sign was some kind of red poo coming out her (but it didn't move, just hung off of her) I took her out and put her in quarantine and she died a few hours later. During all this the snail & pleco seem fine, well almost. pleco seemed to have a little discoloration not much but, I might just be paranoid after everything that’s happened. Today I noticed that the pleco’s top fin has a little piece missing and i’m unable to get pic since he closes he’s fin when I come close. My Ph is 8, the ammonia is 0, temp about 74, and make a 30% water change weekly & add cycle. It has stayed the same since introduced guppies & snail. So i'm at a complete loss, my pet store is no help, i don't want to keep loosing fish like this, it's sad, so if anyone has any info for my pleco it would be greatly appreciated. I would hate to lose him.