Help my platy is pregnant!! up on the subject.....and follow the advice you've read
my mollie's just given birth but they got eaten over night i missed the whole event luckily i already have 6 fry in a breeder trap'bout a month old really don't need to do will happen on its own!!! :lol:

BUT....if you wanna keep the babies you will need to get a breeding trap/net and either catch the fry and put them in there OR....put the female in there before she gives birth.....they are pregnant for about 28days and will give birthe every 28days (don't waste any time)....

Note the date she gives birth this time and try and catch as many babies as you can (she will give birth to 20-30)....then about 20days from that date put her in the breeding trap (a device where the fry fall through a "grid" so that they don't get eaten by her or the other fish....still enclosed)....leave her there for 24 hours after giving birth as the whole process is pretty stressful on them.

Feed the fry baby brine shrimp....proprietary baby food....

If you have enough hifing places in the tank then the babies will survive....its a sad fact but the adults will eat the babies if they have no places to hide

Good luck...remember...if they all get eaten this is a surety that they will get pregnant and give birth again!!!



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