Help, My Krib Female Has Turned Aggressive?


New Member
Sep 21, 2011
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Hello, I have a well established tank, with a breeding pair of beautiful kribs (they were meant to be 2 girls). They have just had their second batch of fry and they are now 1 month old. They are thriving, but mummy has now become aggressive overnight towards daddy, I found him today hiding and she was trying to flush him out. I have now removed the very depressed fellow and he is in another tank. I did not notice any odd behaviour apart from the female yesterday eve deepening in colour. I was wondering if this is normal? There are only 4 danios ( my dither fish) with the female and her fry now ( she killed 3 off when these fry were born), will this be ok? I do feel silly as they have been amazing parents so far and I am a little upset and confused on what is best for them. Did I do the right thing to separate them? should I get some krib company for the male if he is on his own ( he has platys and guppies in with him)? do I need more dither fish with the female? or just leave all alone now? Any help will be much appreciated, many thanks from TFF newby!!

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