Help! My Guppy has been attacked!


New Member
Feb 23, 2004
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Help - My Guppy has been attacked!!!!
Please help - I added a couple of male guppies to my community tank three days (full list of inhabitants below) - the LFS said they would be fine, but when I got home yesterday, one of them had been virtually eaten and the other poor lad has had parts of his fins removed and looks like he's taken a battering. I've put him temporarily in another small tank wothout a filter, using water out of the main tank, and amazingly he's still alive.

What should I do? Go buy another tank? Will his fins grow back??? If I buy another tank does it need lighting, heating and filter etc?

I'm so distressed and dont trust the LFS advice anymore


2 AlbinoCatfish
2 Clown Loaches (2 inch)
3 glowlight tetras
2 lamplight tetras
5 other small tetras (not sure of type)
let him in the smalll tank for a while hell recover in a matter of days dont worry. But also this might be symptoms of finrot so becareful. -_-

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