Help! My fish's fin looks torn!


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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I did a test for school and then afterwards checked the tank... I want to add salt but I'm unsure if the fry will be ok with that... Earlier today she went into that last piece of dragon rock with the eggs and I'm thinking she got scraped in there... See? I made a good call on removing those. Now I have to get that last piece out when they are done using it... So to salt or not to salt?
I cant get a picture... She keeps moving all around. It doesnt look like its messing up her swimming but I do want to help it grow back or keep it from being infected
Its hard to see but if you zoom in on the right fin you can see it. Its blurry but it's there
If you can't use salt to treat a minor wound, just do a 75% water change and gravel cleaning the substrate every day for a week. And clean the filter if it hasn't been done in the last 2 weeks.

The cleaner water, gravel and filter will reduce the number of disease organisms in the tank and give the fish the best chance to heal.
If you can't use salt to treat a minor wound, just do a 75% water change and gravel cleaning the substrate every day for a week. And clean the filter if it hasn't been done in the last 2 weeks.

The cleaner water, gravel and filter will reduce the number of disease organisms in the tank and give the fish the best chance to heal.
I will try my best to... I've been really busy and also made some promises to people... Tomorrow I can though definitely (hopefully)
Pfft, making promises to people but not the fish :)
I made promises to these people before the fish 😅... But I will try my best to water change when possible.

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