help, my fish's eyes are bulging out of his head


New Member
Aug 16, 2004
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:eek: i just noticed that my gold barbs eyes are bulging out of his head, no other fish in the tank are showing any symptoms. i don't have a test kit right now, but i did a 10% water change this morning. i'll buy a test kit tomorrow, can anyone tell me what would cause bulging eye balls????? and if i need to worry about the other tank mates. -_-
maybe pop eye?


Caused by: bacterial infection, parasite infestation, metabolic disorders, and poor water quality.

Symptoms: one or both eyes swell and project from the head. In severe cases, the eye can burst from the socket.

Occurrences: Pop-eye typically affects only one or two fish in an aquarium or pond, and is not considered to be infectious.

Treatment/Control: affected fish can be treated with MelaFix or PimaFix.

It's good that you are getting testing kits as you will need them (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph at least). Do small water changes daily and get some melafix. Per mod wuv get some colloidal silver. I can attest to the fact that the stuff does wonders. You'll find silver at a health food store. good luck :)
You should probably isolate him if you can.
He needs meds very soon or he could potentially lose his eye eventually.

I have also been told that the colloidal works wonders too.

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