Help My Fish Has White Spot :(


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
north somerset
Tank size: 95 litre
tank temp: normally around 26 but at the moment because of weather up to 30c
Fish Symptoms all ahve white sport covering from head to tail
Do a water change once a week and normally between 20-25%
Tank inhabitants: ive got red tail shark a bristle nose plec and 5 zebra danios
Recent additions to your tank red tail shark

about a week ago maybe i added a red tail shark to my tank and i no your nto emnt to add the fish shops water to your tank and i normally dont but this time i did, complete forgot and added it to the tank. so i think is may be the reason for my white spot outbreak.

but i no nothing about white spot so can anyobne explain to me so i can understand it? and how to deal with it? will my fish die? dont want them to obvousilly but really dont want my plec to die hes soo cool best part of my tank.

Raise heater temp to 30.
Half dose a whitespot med. Bet to half dose with having the plec.
Remove black carbon from filter if you use it.
Increase aeration, as the high temp and med reduce 02 in the water.

Red tailed sharks relly need at least a 40 gallon tank.

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