HELP .. My fish fish EVER is sick...


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Belleville NJ
I dont know what is wrong with him infact im not even sure what kind of fish he is. He looks like a platy but alot more colorfull. I have had him for about a year and a half. Now he is not looking so good. My fancy tail guppy has been bothering him but hes been doing that for a few months now. He looks like he has ich or fungus. It is white cottony spots on him and my Zebra Danio may have dropsy. I just dont know. They are being treated with Cupramine which i put in as soon as i noticed the problem. He has become alot less active and is now just staying in the top right coror of my tank. Does anyone know what could be wrong with him and how i could bring him back to full health. I love this fish and i am going to be really upset if i lose him now. He has been through hell and i feel bad for him. When i bought him i thought i was prepred for a tank but i had no idea. He has had ich before like 3 times and has always been cured. Please Help me..
sorry about the double post but when i hit post it said there was an error so i hit it again and it posted again... sorry guys!

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