Help - my fish are dying!


New Member
Apr 28, 2003
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I have some guppies but 5 of them have died today and i've also noticed that there are lots of tiny (pin head size) bits floating around the pump and heater - some of which are also stuck to the sides of the tank. They seem to move around but i cant tell if its because they are living or because of the water flow. Please can anyone advise on what this could be and also how to prevent it in the future??? :no:
Do your guppies show any signs of illness before they die?

Like unusal spots, torn fins, cotton wool growths, unusual swimming behavour?

Have you checked your water chemistry lately i.e. ammonnia, nitrite, nitrate and Ph?

The bits in your tank could be a parasite but i need more information on this i.e has it got a head, legs etc
The fish are all swimming at the top of the tank and some are lying on the top of the pump but they have no spots or anything like that.

The bits dont have legs or anything, they are just really small brownish bits with maybe 2 -3 black dots on them. I've also tried to squash them but they just stay the same shape!
Well first of all how long have you had the tank? Also how long have you had the fish?

The cloudiness you describe sounds like the cloudiness that most tanks get when cycling. This cloud is a mass of bacteria in the water. If you haven't got a cycled tank, this could be causing the fish to die

Can you please list your ammonia, PH, nitrAte and nitrIte levels so that we can help further
I think you either have too many fish in 1 tank because it seems that they need more oxygen or you don't have a big enough surface area..
fishdude said:
I think you either have too many fish in 1 tank because it seems that they need more oxygen or you don't have a big enough surface area..
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