I have had my male betta for 4 months in a small 1 gallon (3.5 litre) bowl. The bowl had a plant and the temperature is regulated at 26 degrees Celsius at all times. My betta has been perfect, making bubble nests and everything all the time.
The guy at the aquarium suggested that I introduce a corydora into the tank to stop the tank from getting so dirty, as the cory would eat up the food that fell to the rocks.
I have had the cory in the water for about a week, yet I noticed that my betta has stopped making bubble nests and tonight when I got home he was not looking very bright, he has lost his bright blue and is now a dull blue.
The guy at the aquarium suggested that I introduce a corydora into the tank to stop the tank from getting so dirty, as the cory would eat up the food that fell to the rocks.
I have had the cory in the water for about a week, yet I noticed that my betta has stopped making bubble nests and tonight when I got home he was not looking very bright, he has lost his bright blue and is now a dull blue.