New Member
Backstory, we had a betta that came to us with Swim Bladder and was bloated. He was very active and although the Swim Bladder fixed itself, the bloating got worse and he pineconed and died about six weeks later. After he died I sanitzed the tank, plants, gravel, and decorations using a bleach solution (I boiled the gravel though). I put a few Molly fry in there and we got a new betta which we've had for about four weeks now. About a week ago he started getting bloated so I fasted him and did the API General Cure treatment on him just to be on the safe side. Yesterday he was more bloated even though he hasn't eaten in a few days and I just noticed a definite start to pineconing on his scales. Could it be my tank that has something wrong with it that's making the bettas sick? Is there anything that can be done to save him? He's in a heated and cycled 10 gallon. Should I redo the API General cure or get something else? My store only carries the API general cure and not the Erythromycin or Maracyn.