Help Meeeee


Fish Herder
Dec 23, 2005
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i had my hand in my tank for a while and now i have dozens of small white itchy bumps all over my hand!it also feels almost hot.what do i do???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I would call your local doctor because it dosent sound good! I hope you fell better. Make sure you tell him your hand was in the tank! Are any of your fish sick?
Not sure. Allergy to something in the water? Dry skin? Do you feed bloodworms? I know some people are allergic to bloodworms.
not that i know of.

i fed my puffer bloodworms about an hour ago.ive always been fine.what did those people do????
Wash your hands well with soap and hot water, Try rubbing baking soda (neutralizer) on your hands... if it doesn't get better after this consider a trip to the ER. If you aren't going to go to the ER then visit your doctor ASAP. Do you have any other allergies? What is your PH?

EDIT> reread this and it sounds kind of scary...just thought I'd say that I think you'll be just fine. However better safe than sorry go to the doctor.
i just washed my hands good and rubbed baking soda on but i cant see any spots cause my hand is red now.what is the problem????
probably just an allergic reaction to something. You might want to call the hospital and ask for a recommendation on what to do. Otherwise wait until tommorrow morning. If the spots are still there go to the doctor.
Sounds like you got Ich. Wash up with some Malachite Green. LOL!

Sorry, somebody had to say it :shifty:

I have no idea. Odd though. A good hand washing with some anti-bacterial soap might help.
i read up and i have the characteristic of bloodworm allergy.the tiny blisters seem to be going away but i can see them still if i open my hand real big.there small.

torrean-should i keep putting baking soda on my hands???
i read up and i have the characteristic of bloodworm allergy.the tiny blisters seem to be going away but i can see them still if i open my hand real big.there small.

torrean-should i keep putting baking soda on my hands???

i would keep putting baking soda on that, im pretty sure is a "base" so add more wouldnt hurt it
its all gone i do believe.i can feel my hand better now and i dont see ANY just gunna put baking soda on it more
ask about it the next time you go to the doctor and get an allergy test or something. i heard they suck and they are annoying, but it might prevent this from happening again
i had my hand in my tank for a while and now i have dozens of small white itchy bumps all over my hand!it also feels almost hot.what do i do???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Sounds like a bloodworm allergy to me. My husband's highly allergic to them. If I've just been using them and there's powder in the air, he gets really stuffy in the face and sneezes and can't breathe; if I'd been handling them and touched him without getting everything off, he broke out in tiny white blisters on contact. (As soon as we figured out the cause, I stopped using bloodworms entirely.)
yeah i read that last fine today and no more blisters.thank you torrrean for helping me out.i will continue to use frozen bloodworms as i have to to feed my puffers but now i will quit trying to hand feed em.

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