Help me stock it, please


New Member
Mar 15, 2005
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Compliments of horribly peer pressure, I find myself with 8 neons tetra, 6 black neons, 6 zebra danios and an upside down catfish.

It's horrible. I think I'd like to get rid of the danios and put in something bigger and more exciting, anyone have some suggestions? I just feel so uninspired when I go fish hunting.
I don't know about the upside down catfish, but the neons need a fairly mature tank. How long have you had your tank for and did you cycle it at all?

If you want to go with a bigger cichlid, I suggest maybe a keyhole or two as most of the larger cichlids will eat your neons. :nod:
Telmatachromis , Julidichromis , Neolamprologus , 'Lamprologus'

some really nice fish available and you could have a lovely community in their
Raechal said:
I don't know about the upside down catfish, but the neons need a fairly mature tank. How long have you had your tank for and did you cycle it at all?

If you want to go with a bigger cichlid, I suggest maybe a keyhole or two as most of the larger cichlids will eat your neons. :nod:
I've had my tank for 15 months now, and yes, I cycled it. I've actually only had the neons since September/October, they're doing great and I've watched them grow.

Maybe I'll look into the tangs... but I am enjoying the neons, I'm just looking for ideas right now, I guess. Part of me keeps thinking "Oscar, oscar, oscar" but I'll wait until I get a bigger thank :alien:
transposia said:
Maybe I'll look into the tangs... but I am enjoying the neons, I'm just looking for ideas right now, I guess. Part of me keeps thinking "Oscar, oscar, oscar" but I'll wait until I get a bigger thank
good call on the oscar! spot on decision.

i agree that the danios should go; a hex just doesn't have that much lateral room. i'd get another upside-down cat or two, and defintely increase the number of neons. frankly, i'd double the size of both those schools -- nothing like a giant school of neons to make the heart skitter.

beyond that i wouldn't do anything else other than get a single large "show fish". i almost hestiate to suggest it, but a betta would look fabulous with the little neons -- provided you could find a relatively docile one. a pearl gourami would look very nice (they're big, flatbodied, pearly white fish). don't get an angel--they'll munch your neons (natural predator/prey combo).

really any larger "flat-shaped" fish would look pretty good with the darting little "torpedo-shaped" fish you have. i'd try to just get the one, as a hex simply doesn't have as much surface area as a conventional rectangular tank.
Do keep in mind this is a hexagonal tank so sin't realy suitable for rift lake cichlids... Not to say it isn't possible, just that they'd have less room for territories and that could be quite a serious problem.

I've got to tell you that I think the upside down cat might eat the neons... mine did :p

Would you be willing to get rid of all those fish or are you set on just removing the danios?

What kind of fish do you like?

Would you be interested in a planted tank with say 10 tiger barbs and a rainbow shark? You could probably keep the catfish.
Or are you more into cichlids?
What do you think of a peaceful community with maybe some interesting loaches (not clowns) and some gouramies?
You could do an interesting species tank if you're up to the hallenge of maybe some chocolate gouramies ;) Or maybe a planted tank with lots of sparkling gouramies and some kind of tetra.
Or you might preffer angelfish? Your tank would be ideal... and put in some scissortails and maybe some cories or a bristlenose plec...

Back to my question :p What sort of fish do you like?
i was wondering about the infamous giant catfish mouth... that answers that question.

would a moonlight/pearl gourami also munch on the neons, do you think? i actually like the idea of that combo enough to try it for myself...
The more I think about it, I really like my neons :fun: so I think I'll hold on to them, and someone suggested more of them, so how about:

10-12 black neons
14-16 neons
1 something contrasting
(cleaning crew?)

and maybe I'll plant it. I've never had live plants before, but enough research and I'll try anything once.

Also, my catfish is very small right now ~1.5" and I'd rather wait to see if he's going to be a threat before I remove him, I'll just keep an eye on him. One thing I've learned about fish is that a lot of us have completely different expeirences with the same fish, but I can't count on that hope to think "sure, it'll work".
The more I read here, the more I wonder how on earth my last community tank was so healthy and happy, albeit I hope the ex has since bought a bigger home for them.

I wouldn't put a betta in there, just too risky. I'm waiting on delivery of my 5 gallon corner for one male, he'll be a happy guy.
A pearl or moonlight gourami wouldn't harm neons to answer that question.

As for keeping the catfish - I myself don't think risking the neons' lives is worth it but it's down to you.

You could add some cories as the 'clean-up crew' and an opaline gourami as the centerpiece (they are stunning fish!) A pearl gourami would also be great (in place of the opaline - don't get both, the opaline, especialy if male, would probably kill the pearl) - they are my favourite fish and deffinately worth it.
You also don't seem to have many bottom-dwellers so maybe a pair of rams could serve as a centerpiece instead - or some other kind of peaceful dwarf cichlid.

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