Help Me Stock A New Tank - 350Ltr / 4Ft


Fish Fanatic
Feb 4, 2012
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Hi guys, hope everyone's well!

All being good this time next week I'll have my new 4ft Rena which is around 350ltr capacity - these are quite tall tanks and wide hence why they're 350ltr.

I'm planning to totally overhaul my current tank, having ordered loads of new plants and I'm going to attempt a proper aqua scape after being inspired by a recent PFK issue!

Filtration will be my tetratec ex1200 and it's being supplied with a Rena XP3 so I might as well run them both. Heating is 2 x 200w visi therms.

The main reason for the change is simply after looking around at fish and seeing some amazing fish in my LFS / online im constantly reading my current 125ltr tank is too small! No doubt I'll also end up thinking this new one is too small but it's in a designated space in my living room so i physically won't be able to fit another there even if I was tempted to :hyper:

So being only 3-4 months into my fishkeeping life, despite reading more than I think I've ever read, I need your help with potential stocking!

I currently have:

2 dwarf gourami
5 neon tetra and 1 Vietnamese cardinal (these are listed in the livestock section for free - don't want them to end up as food)
1 L288 plec
4 pitbull plec
5 sterbai corys
2 apisto agasizzi
4 clown killis

As mentioned above the neons will be given away as well as the little cardinal. I'd consider giving away any of the others if they're a problem but I can't see them being.

I want to take advantage of the size I'm upgrading to and try to get some quite large(ish) fish in there.... This is where I need your help!

My thoughts / fish I like:

- torpedo / denison barbs
- angel fish
- larger gouramis
- rainbowfish, but unsure which
- rummy nose tetra in a decent sized shoal.

I like discus, but the thought of every day water changes is ridiculous. My water is quite soft and acidic (mid-late 6s).

I also want to add a couple of GBRs and maybe some other of the more peaceful cichlids.

What are your thoughts? Also - if it was your tank what would you put in - genuinely interested to hear!

I want to get as much colour and character in there as possible (doesn't everyone!)

Any comments are greatly appreciated!
I currently do 25-50% a week, but reading up people are saying everyday which seems nuts! Time is one thing - but at that often id worry about my water bill too! Oh and never be able to go on holiday! :blink:
Happy to hear your upgrading as I am also (as per my post). I'm in a similar situation to you in that I'm considering GBR's & also Bolivians along with several others. Reverend Turtle suggested other dwarf cichlids such as Laetacara & Nannacara which a quick Google look promising hence thought id share with you as can appreciate how difficult it is to find the right fish for the right tank .... Minefield!!!
Shall keep my fingers crossed & will monitor your thread with interest!
1st problem I'd point out is that torpedo barbs prefer cooler temperatures whilst gbr's prefer higher. Also torpedo's will need to be in a group of around 5 or 6 and can get to around 6 inches. They are also very active fish and so will need a lot of space, although you may be able to get away with a group some may say they need a longer tank than 4 foot. I kept a group of 5 for a while in my 5 foot tank (450 litre) before rehoming them to go down the south American cichlid route.

Bolivian rams are a lot hardier than German blue rams so they can tolerate changes in the water a lot better.

Gouramis such as golden and opaline can be quite aggressive, if You did want a gourami I'd go with a pearl or dwarfs :)

As for the filters, I'd definitely run 2. I run 2 tetratec ex1200's on my 450 litre housing a red devil cichlid, 2 Senegal birchirs and an orange spotted plec. Iv recently got a 300watt hydor external heater too and would recommend them to anyone using an external filter. Less clutter in the tank and more room for you fish :)
I've no problem dropping the GBRs for something that likes it a touch cooler, as the most important thing for me in the new tank is to have at least one largish species in there - be it the denison's or another suggestion.

I love the look of the electric blue rams too, dont know what the deal is with these...

Any more suggestions?
You would do well to come up with cichlid that likes a strong current and sub-tropical temps of no more than 20C on average for Redline Torpedo Barbs, that is even too cold for my rheophic Lionhead Cichlids.

If you like the shape and colour of Puntius denisonii, but are wanting a more typical tropical temp, look at other barbs like Filament Barbs.
I didn't realise they needed 20c water - that's really on the cool side... Most the things I have been reading say anything from 18-25 can be used, must be mistaken!
Redline Torpedos often have profiles that mention a temp range of 15-25C being officially on record, but keeping them at the high end of that range on a permanent basis will keep their metabolism at a very heightened level, just like Peppered Corydoras. A midsummer temp spike won't do long term damage, but both of these fish will do a lot better in a heaterless tank that changes though the seasons.
Redline Torpedos often have profiles that mention a temp range of 15-25C being officially on record, but keeping them at the high end of that range on a permanent basis will keep their metabolism at a very heightened level, just like Peppered Corydoras. A midsummer temp spike won't do long term damage, but both of these fish will do a lot better in a heaterless tank that changes though the seasons.

I keep peppered Cories and all I can/have find/found on them is that their comfortable temperature range is between 23-28 deg. C. I keep my tank at around 24C, this wouldn't necessarily impact their metabolism too heavily would it? I've never given it too much thought, I just know that my tank's temp is within the ranges for all the fish I keep.
Redline Torpedos often have profiles that mention a temp range of 15-25C being officially on record, but keeping them at the high end of that range on a permanent basis will keep their metabolism at a very heightened level, just like Peppered Corydoras. A midsummer temp spike won't do long term damage, but both of these fish will do a lot better in a heaterless tank that changes though the seasons.

I keep peppered Cories and all I can/have find/found on them is that their comfortable temperature range is between 23-28 deg. C. I keep my tank at around 24C, this wouldn't necessarily impact their metabolism too heavily would it? I've never given it too much thought, I just know that my tank's temp is within the ranges for all the fish I keep. "Wild caught specimens require cooler, bright water...15.0-25.0°C... Suits a tank with community fish that enjoy a slightly cooler tropical tank. Not a fish for the discus tank, although hardy enough to stand high temperature for a while, it doesn't help the longevity of the fish."
Should I worry about turning the temperature down a little? I'm keeping my 2nd generation of Cories and seem to be doing fine :unsure:

If your sig stocking is correct, the lowest common temp is 22C. If you were able to provide a stronger bit of current in some areas while leaving calm areas for the gourami, I'm sure the BN and Zebra Danios would be happy.
Thanks pal, I might drop it another half degree tomorrow and another half the day after that and see how things go. My sig is correct and I've a Koralia nano 900 in there at the minute and I've another small pump knocking about somewhere; I'll move the pumps around and see what looks good next time I do a big water change. :rolleyes:
Shame about the barbs temperature wise - the filament barbs look nice but not nearly as striking! Saying that, I've learnt fish look a hell of a lot different on pics than they tend to do in the flesh so I'll see if I can find anywhere with them!

Does anyone have any experience with rainbow fish? Any decent sized specimens you'd recommend? Or as I've mentioned any other ideas are welcome!

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