Help Me Sock My 35 Gallon Tank


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
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I have a 35 gallon U.S. tank which will be moderately planted with live plants and have a piece of driftwood as the main decoration.

I was wondering if all these fish would get along? and if its too many?

8 small tetras
6 small peaceful barbs
4 corydoras same kind
2 blue german rams
2 dwarf gouramis
3 platys or swordtails
3 otocinclus

The school of tetras, german rams and corydoras are what I want the most so im sort of building around them.

Can anyone recomend a good community tetra that is hardy, same for barb. Thanks.
how do you sock a tank ?? lol seriously though , i think to ensure there is no stress etc. you should probably get rid of maybe one of your posted options ( the gouramis? )
Like fuuryrabbit said get rid of the 2 dwarf gouramis and the only friendly barbs i have come across are the tinfoils barbs and they grow to 14ins very quick.

maybe dont put Platys or swordtails in and have a planted. Planted would look good but make sure you dont put too many plants in. Put some Java Moss on the driftwood but make sure you keep triming it down.
Yeah i thought it was overstocked by about 5 fish inches or so. Im either gonna get rid of the livebearers or the gouramis, but i like all the fish on the list :( . Maybe ill be starting another tank before this ones even done lol. :D .
As for barbs, try a trio of cherry barbs. Not aggressive, and stay fairly small. Very pretty, too, IMHO.

My suggestion:
the blue rams
school of 6-8 rummy-nose tetras
3-6 cherry barbs
4-6 cory cats
3 otos

or you could do some dwarf honey gouramis (a trio or a m and 3 fm) instead of the cherry barbs. they'd help fill out the top level, too.
I love Black Ruby Barb's. They have a wonderful personality, and often make me laugh. They grow about 1.5-2 inches.
pentazona barbs are ace - soo peaceful, look like tiger barbs and only grow up to 5-6cm

panda cory cats are great too

my darf gourami is pretty peaceful

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