help me quick plzzzzzzz....


Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2004
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i know this is tropical fish goldfish is in a lot of trying to kill it i put it in ice cubes cos i fought it would looked like it was dead earlier but now i can see it still breathing......i cant whack it over the head or wotever u do is there any other way of killing it? :-( i dont want it to suffer any more...
OK....I wasn't going to condone replying to this post but it is on my conscience that a fish is suffering....IF YOU MUST EUTHANISE IT......then PLEASE whack it on the head......

Do you have any vodka or other alcohol....put it in will go to sleep and die pretty quick

I still wanna know why you are euthanising it...

BTW....for future reference, a goldfish will not die in ice water.....they live in ponds where the top freezes over.....
of corse i want not evil...... i came down this morning it looks awful like it had a broken spine its all bent..i think my loachy thing must have attacked now its on the verge of death i dont want it to suffer any more!
ok just thought the ice might mke it cold and go to sleep......i put some alcohol in so i hope it works! thanku... and im not horrible i just care for my fish..its badly was flipping over and bendy and it couldnt swim!
thanku....its slowly stoping breathing poooor thing! :-( just to clear it up once omre...sorry u thought i didnt want it and that i was just killing would never do that! :byebye:
BOD said:
thanku....its slowly stoping breathing poooor thing! :-( just to clear it up once omre...sorry u thought i didnt want it and that i was just killing would never do that! :byebye:
Your original post gave me the impression that you didn't want the fish....we tend to be a suspicious bunch here :p

I am glad he passed in the end....

:byebye: poor little fish....

Did it have any visible wounds or just the bent spine?
yea he's lost a lot of scales and got little red wounds......

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