Help Me please


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Zanesville, Ohio
I know i'm stupid I haven't tested it for a week thinking it was alright .....
Its my baby tank that has 57 fry most are 3 months old and the rest are 2 and 3 weeks I just did a water change and thought oh I'll test the old water I just took out and and Oh My Its 5.0 I need to know what to do???? I did a 10% water change because my babies gills were getting red so I know when to change the water ontop of 2 times a week water changes I know things can turn water quick......
I have a sick fish in my other 10 gallon tank so I have no other place to put half the babies i'm waiting for it to get better or die.....
(test kit is Nitrite (No2)

My husband knows what to do with the fish lol but he's at work and he doesn't have a phone on him

Please someone help me

Thanks Alot Erin

I don't have the other two test kits yet
that was earlier but no one answered me so i'll put it in here
I did a water change again of 10% and tested it again went down to 0.50...
Then I took water from the bottom of tank and tested it and it came out really hugh again of 5.0 .... So I did a water change this time 65% of water My husband came home and told me what to do...... and its now testing at 0.25...
I don't want to do any more water changes because I don't want to upset the fish any more then I already have......
If any one can help me please... I've been waiting all day long for someone to answer me in Emergencies...... so much for that

Oh dear... -_-
Please forgive my stupidity but its better to test for amonia and nitrate not nitrite.
Nitrate is the final process of the bacterial change so is a better indicator of whats going on and if you have any amonia levels at all then for some reason your tank is no longer cycling :( -_-

If you have done a 65% water change today I would leave it now. Did you use a water conditioner? Like stress coat? You need to to lock out the chlorine and other chemicals plus heavy metals.

What type of filtration do you have because if its doing its job right it should be the same reading at any level of the tank.

Regular water changes are the main way to get over nitrate and amonia problems in the short term. Then if you are still having amonia problems try Stress Zyme. it helped when I was cycling my tanks.

Test both amonia and nitrate tomorrow and post your findings here then we can go from there.

Oh dear I just read you don'thave the test kits :S .. you really need these they are the most important of the 3.

All I can say is do daily water changes of about 40% for the next 5 days but you must use a water conditioner otherwise you will kill off any good bacteria you have in your tank and pretty soon after all the fish :/

P.M. me if you need a natter :)
thats not good plysa :blink: lol , i would do a 10% water change everday with the addition of salt if u havn't alredy put sum in there, salt will calm them until their water is fixed. i dont userally test my fry tank because its a 1g and i do a 50% water change nearly every day but maybe i should do all my tanks, its been a while.

i hope everything works out, i hate loseing fry, especially after putting months of work into them :X
GuppyDude said:
i would do a 10% water change everday with the addition of salt if u havn't alredy put sum in there
Agreed, and to be even more specific doing those daily water changes(no more than 25% or you'll upset the balance) helps the fry recieve more oxygen and the salt gets taken in through the gills instead of the nitrite so it acts like buffer aggainst the poisoning effects. If you have any non sick, cycled tanks(or have a friend that has some) add water or gravel from there to increase the beneficial bacteria in the fry tank. If you have no resources for cycled water, even a lfs will gladily bag you cycled water(try getting it from a plants only tank) for free but this is a last resort unless they're a very respectable lfs with good water conditions.
The bacteria from one of those sources should help convert the deadily nitrite to the safe end product Nitrate.
Good luck plysha, don't give up. :thumbs:
:) hey guys
Sorry I didn't answer sooner I haven't been on for a day for so I've been really busy taking care of my 2 yrs old niece and the fish and we have a mouse in the basement ( I'm not going down there my husband sent the dog down to find it But he didn't find anything becase I called the dog back up stairs while my brother and husband put the mouse traps up) Well for my fish..... I could find any meds for my sick adult fish and I came home to a deid fish tonight so I now have a free tank ....... after I clean it with bleach and leave it sit for 3 days with nothing in it....... I cleaned the filter really well put a new one in and put the filter in with my babies so they now have two filter for a few days and they love it..... all their colors came out when the water started flowing.... I didn't even know most of them had colors till now...... My husband has worked with me on the tank and i've got it down to 10ppm to 0.25 so its staying down a little I did do another 50% water change today.......snowyangel thats a very good idea about the rocks from another tank .... I do have a very good firend that has guppies and gold fish and both her tanks are very well cycled tank I may go see her tomorrow......

lol I went from 64 down to 47 My stupidness ......I'm only feeding them once a day for now because of the levels their doing great......

littleme1969 I thank you alot you've given me alot of stuff to think about

Thanks you all and I will keep everyone up dated on when I get it to 0ppms

well gl, i checked my big tank today but it tests negitive, and my fry tank i don worrys about cause i change out the water everyother day.

hope u have better luck in the future :D :thumbs:
just to let everyone know my babies are now in two 10 gallons tanks 24 in one and 26 in the other The nitrite test kit came out 0ppm on the new tanks and should stay that way because I had the filter in the other tank for two days to get some bacteria going....... the other tankis still 10 ppm well i'm off people.....
Talk to you'll when I get back
I'll move a few more babies to the new tank so theres not to many in the old one

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