Help me please


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
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Ill tell you my tank setup.

10 headlamp tetras (1 died of ph levs)
8 neon tetras (2 died of ph levs)
2 redtailed sharks
5 spotted catfish
2 platinum Gouramis (1 died of ph levs)

I recently stabilised the ph at 7.0. added no chemicals and have a really low ammonia level. I went and got my water checked at my local aquarium and they said everything is fine.

My problem is that one of my platinum gouramis is staying at the bottom of the tank in the corner. He was drifting at the tip in the same corner yesterday. The other gourami is fine. My sick platinum will only move when the healthy one chases it (They have always been like that). He looks normal but I know something is wrong. PLEASE HELP.
hi there :D Welcome to the forum

couple of questions and we'll be able to give more accurate advice.
1 How big is your tank?
2 How long has it been set up and when did you add the fish?
3 You mention low ammonia.....if it's cycled you really shouldn't have ammonia.....could you post your water test results - ammonia/nitrite/nitrate.

its about 1 month old, I only have a ph test kit but i know i hacve basicly no ammonia. Its about 6 foot by 35 cm by 55 cm (sorry about the funky dimentions)

He also hasnt eaten for 2 days. Its not like he cant find the food, he just doesnt want it. Ive had food hitting him in the head and basicly falling into his mouth. Nup not interested.
it's a good size tank darkness :D do you have lots of plants in there?

not sure bout the gourami....some fish are incredibly sensitive to even the tiniest levels of ammonia, they can also be affected if you are altering the pH of your tank. Can you isolate him away from the other fish and observe his behaviour? Have a really close look to see if you can see any signs of something like'll be hard to spot on a fish that colour.

The other thing is he may be being bullied by the other gourami......something like that can totally affect their behaviour, eating patterns etc. I had a couple of chocolate gouramis in a tank together and had to separate them as one wouldn't stop harassing the other to the point the less dominant fish was 'afraid' to swim round the tank, let alone eat. He would have died if I'd left them together.

good luck....will try to find out a bit more for you

ya. I think I may know what happened. I altered the ph rather dramaticly because fish were dyeing. Also to add to the pain a larger gourami was picking on it. I bought a huge gourami and i helped alot. The huge gourami will only attack other fish when they invade his territory but the Huge gouramis terretory is right near the filter intake and no fish like it there anyway. The other two gouramis have stopped fighting and all is good :).

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