help me please!!!


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
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i just got a silver shark and a red tailed shark.
they just sit there like they are shivvering.... my tank is at about 80F

and can i run my pump for 12 hours and then sut it off for 8 hours while i sleep??? or is that a no no?
big no no :)

how long have you had these fish in the tank?
could be useful to check water parameters, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite etc
if these are too high the fish wont be happy
they could also be sizing each other up ready for a fight, the red tailed black for sure is very territorial and may attack another shark looking fish
about 5 hours :)

yeh i will do that tommorow (check the water para's)

the red tail is about half the size of the silver and they get along really well so thats not a prob.

i need to do some reading..
i need to know what to do if those parameters are too high like high nitrite or nitrate or high amonia....

How long have you had the tank? Was it cycled before you added fish?

Also, how big is the tank? Silver sharks need to be kept in groups, grow large and need a minimum of a 75g tank.
There are some great articles pinned to the top of this section of the forum. I'd start reading there. I'd also get some test kits if you don't have them already. If you don't have any and can't get them right away most local fish stores will test your water for you. Just bring a bit of your water in a ziplock bag to the shop. If your tank is not big enough to accomodate the fish you purchased I'd bring them back and start again with something smaller.
please don't turn your filter off!!!!!!! big no-no, it needs to run at all times!!!!! :no:
hmmm my fish didnt like there new tank very much.
well i am gonna save for a 7 foot tank tank and get a big oscar or some thing later next year.

l8ers all
ill be back when i get my tank and learn morea bout fish....
thanks for all your help

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