help me please

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
i mean one of those big containers of fish food into my 20 gallon long which is currently housing all of my fish at the moment I bought me a tank divider and moved my other fish over because I messed up my ten gallon tanks cycle anyways the water looks like gravy I dont know what to do the rest of my tanks are almost ready to go they are showing very little signs of nitrites should I move them all over to the 55 that isnt fully cycled yet or what. I have never dealt with anything like this before the filters are bearly running I got me a gallon of water out of the55 gallon that is almost done cycling and I have been rinsing the filters out when they start to stop up again I rinse the out again I dont know what to do, He got up at one oclock in the morning and done this while i was asleep.
Why don;t you try and put the fish in the 55 gallon instead. Which is better, a tank full of fish food, or an almost cycled tank. I'd add ammonia neutralizer(or chloramine neutrelizer, as it can neutralize ammonia, too.) to the 55 gallon, and put all the fish in there while you clean the 10 gallon(prolly 80% water change, and the tank should cycle again, but this time faster.

I really don't have expereience in ths thing as that never happened to me before.

Good luck.
Here is what I would do...............

Get enough buckets to hold all the water from the 20 long.

Siphon all the water from the 20 into these buckets placing all the fish in the first bucket of water before draining the rest of the water out.

Make sure you have a few extra buckets available and place all the gravel in one of these extra buckets.

Using the last empty bucket, place about 5# of gravel from the 20 in it and then fill it from one of the buckets of water from the 20 and start stiring the gravel.

Do this until all the gravel has been rinsed.

Take the 20 long and rinse it out as well!!

Take any tank water that may be left and place it back in the 20, putting the gravel back in first.

Place fish back in tank and fill 20 with either water from the 55 or freash dechlorinated water.

Keep lights off for a period of 24 hours and do not feed fish for this period....

and last.............EITHER LOCK UP YOUR FISH FOOD OR YOUR GRANDSON, whichever would be easier!!!!!


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