Angel Lady
Pet of the Month Leader
i mean one of those big containers of fish food into my 20 gallon long which is currently housing all of my fish at the moment I bought me a tank divider and moved my other fish over because I messed up my ten gallon tanks cycle anyways the water looks like gravy I dont know what to do the rest of my tanks are almost ready to go they are showing very little signs of nitrites should I move them all over to the 55 that isnt fully cycled yet or what. I have never dealt with anything like this before the filters are bearly running I got me a gallon of water out of the55 gallon that is almost done cycling and I have been rinsing the filters out when they start to stop up again I rinse the out again I dont know what to do, He got up at one oclock in the morning and done this while i was asleep.