Help Me Pick A Name!


Jun 7, 2009
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I'll give you some background on how his came about because it was Not planned nor expeted!
I have 5 horses, 3 Male Lipizaners, 2 Female Friesians.
The Two Females Are In with one of the lipizaners as I was told he was infertile as he is an ex show horse.
So they have been living together for the past 6years without any problems.
The other month I noticed Hope ( female friesian ) was acting strange and had become slighty rounder. I kept a close eye on her and put her on a diet :lol:
Then she became really sluggish last week so took her to the vet, turns out she was pregnant! I made the vet check about a million times as I couldnt believe it. My little boy wasnt so infertile after all!
Then, yesterday when I went out to the paddock, Hope was lying on her side, and wouldnt even get up for a salt coated carrot!
I phoned the vet and he said she was probably just exhausted, so I Stayed with her for a while, then she started fitting, it was horrible..she was rushed into the vets surgery and operated on as the foals life was at risk.
She stabilised after a while, then the foal ruptured one Of Hopes arterys as it was distressed and moving about everywhere, so she had to have an emergency section, and little foal was born, 2 and a half months early!
Both doing fine, although foal is on 24hour watch.
Now I need a name for this little one...her mother is called Hope, and The Other Female is called Faith..

Well, it's got to be Charity then - but doesn't really suit does it :crazy:

Fling - as your male seems to have had a last fling - nah, funny but not good enough

Grace, as in amazing grace, both to have been conceived and to survive - corny I know

Patience -you had to wait ages for her to come along .........

Oh I give up :rolleyes: never was any good at choosing names :lol:

Seffie x


ps can we have a photo
How about Miracle?

Or Destiny

either sounds rather appropriate from that story. Would lve to see pics :)
Ok,here goes.. i havent had that much time to get a lot of pics of her, been too busy..shes called Destiny :) Destiny1.jpg
so that was mother and daughter..
and it wont let me upload the other ones, too big apparently!!
What a sweet picture!! I do like the name Destiny. :good: So happy to hear both mom and baby are doing well.
Oh how cute, good luck with her, hope Destiny and Mum are both doing well.
What a sweet picture, what a stunning mare and foal.
:drool: :wub: wow! it's beautiful. It woud've been funny to call it #### :lol: but destiny is a gorgeous name :good: hope they are both well
Hmm wonder what colour she'll go as she gets older...
Do you think the Friesian black will hold or will she begin to lighten over time like a lipizzaner?
Either ways she's gorgeous and I'm off to go google Friesian x Lipizzaner...see what colour she'll go.

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