Help Me Out


May 16, 2012
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Hey, I'm restocking my tank from lack of research and was re-scaping my tank. I really cannot think of what to do with it.

At the moment I'm set on a betta and some phantom tetras so it doesn't really matter what I put in there decor wise.

At the moment I have some simple plants at the back such as:
Straight Vallis
Amazon Sword
A fake Straight Vallis (just to cover up the filter a bit).

I don't know what lighting I have but my plants at the moment grow at a good rate. There are 4 rocks that look like 2 for the sake of making caves and tunnels at each end of the tank. And I have sand substrate.

An ideas on what looks good? I'm thinking more plants. :)

I have spare rocks.

Tank a bit unclear at the moment but plants are at the back. (I'm aware these shouldnt be in there, I'm taking them back tomorrow)
Well, are you thinking of buying more plants for a more natural feel or sticking with the ones you have? If your thinking of buying more then for some suggestions we'd need to know what lighting you have. Oh and what size tank do you have there and is your filter built in?
Hows the tank going?

You got any updated photos and/or details about the lighting. If you can get a new photo and some details on what lights they are can help from there.

Kind Regards,

I can't get good lighting for my tank but its seems good enough as the plants keep growing. I'm just filling the back with vallis and amazon swords. All fine now, thanks all! :)

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