HELP ME NOW!!! Angel fish breeding people........


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
OMG.........what do I do.........

I don't know how many of you know about my 2 black Angels in my 55 and how they've been wanting to mate lately and this morning I can SEE her breeding tube and they are cleaning the glass!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT DO I DO!!!!!!!

I suppose in the mean time I am going to get a piece of pexy glass and put it in as a divider, but after that I LOST!!!!!!!! HELP ME, HELP ME, HELP ME!!!!!!!!

Will the parents eat the babies, do I take the babies out.........what are the babies called!!!!???????

AHHHHHHHHHH, I'm losing it........I'm so not prepared for this!!!!!!!!!!!!


:hyper: :eek: :S
I sure got a lot of help...... ;) her breeding tube is larger and longer???? Still cleaning the glass like crazy.....and it's funny because NONE of the other fish dare come to their end, they don't even try :eek: :huh: Do you think they know???? :shifty:

Ya, I'm just hanging out here talking to myself.......not a problem..........really likin'it..........Hi Me!!!!! :thumbs:

Alrighty I don't know tons, but since you're desperate I'll give you my guesses. :p I believe angelfish do have brood care, so they will take care of the babies for awhile after they hatch. They also take care of the eggs, cleaning them and such. I also think that the parents will be pretty darned protective, so you may not need to put in a divider. Also, since this is your angels' first spawn, I wouldn't be surprised if they ate the babies. It seems I've been hearing that happens quite a bit around here lately. Anyways, good luck, and I hope someone who knows more about angels comes along soon! :thumbs:
Thank you Julie!!

I was wondering if they eat the babies........ :sad: :X

I guess I will have to start PMing the masters!! :lol:
Well, I don't know much, but I'll tell you what it says in my book.

"Spawning takes place on leaves and plant stems that have been previously cleaned. Both parents take part in guarding and fanning freshwater over the eggs, which hatch in 24-36 hours. The fry hang from the plants for four or five days and are then taken by the parents to a shallow pit in the substrate. They start to look for food and at this stage should be fed on rotifiers and small nauplii."

Doesn't say anything about them eating the fry, and they are a part of the cichlid family....

Guess the babies are called fry...

GOOD LUCK!!!!! :thumbs:

Book is called The golden encyclopedia of freshwater tropical aquarium fishes by Dick Mills and Dr. Gwynne Vevers
my book suggests leaning a piece of slate against the glass so that if the parents are eating their eggs, you can remove it. After the eggs are fertilized, both parents use their fins to fan them with water, and remove any infertile or damaged eggs. The eggs hatch within 48 hours and absorb thier yolksacs before searching for food. Angels also help the young emerge from their eggs by removing the case, so make sure you know what your seing before you do anything about it.

Hope this helps. :)
Gosh, it does help a LOT, but I'm still confused!!!!!

So, should I lean a piece of slate against the glass that they are cleaning and hope that they lay their eggs on it in case I have to take it out???? Is that what you were saying....?? And, if I have to take it out....where do I put it?? I do have a 10 gallon that only has one fish in it........but, do the fry still need their parents for what point do they not need their parents and can survive on their own!???????

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH................................ :hyper:
Hi Silver!
I think that the slate acts as a place for them to lay the eggs. Did you see my earlier reply? It seems to imply that the parents will not attack the fry.... After they hatch, they hang around for a few days living off the yolk....
okay :crazy: I think I'm understanding............ :nod:

Thank you a million times over..........I've never done this before........I mean, my ANGEL has never done this before!!!!! :hyper: :*)

Okay, so.......won't the other fish eat the fry???

Should I get a divider for the tank and leave the parents in their until the babies are big enough to live without them and then take the parents out and leave the fry in that area............oooooooh, I could put the fry in my 10 gallon with my Gold Gourami.......he wouldn't eat them, he's too slow and dumb!! :lol:


Edit - Alright, I realize that I'm jumping ahead of myself and the fry probably won't survive or they will get eaten. I realize this now and I'm slowly calming myself down!!!

Oh, and I don't have any slate????? :no: :eek:
You could lay the slate against the glass and hope they use it. Your 10g would be fine,but I would take out the 1 fish just to be safe. Remember, not all angels will be carnivorous, you have to watch them closely. I believe they only need their parents for protection. It seems you already have the perfect backup plan with the 10g.

Wow! How exciting! :D
I know, I's SOOOOO exciting............

Wait *calming self down again*......................

I think she's ready to BLOW any minute though or any day I I'm worried about this slate stuff........... I do have a big rock that I used to keep in the tank..............??? I could put it back it?????

Oh, and I'm medicating the tank right now.........this is my last day, should I go ahead and medicate??? EEEEEEECK!!!!!!! It's like I'm in the maternity ward waiting for a grandchild........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm not crazy here, seriously................. :shifty: :kana:
As far as the rock goes, I believe they like vertical surfaces. What meds are u using?
You said that they were cleaning the sides of the glass right? Well, they are probably going to lay them there. Maybe the slate is something that should be added before this point.?.? If they do lay them on the glass, could you put the divider in? I think that if your're going to move them into a 10 gal tank, maybe now would be a good time. Then you can keep the fry isolated from the rest of the fish. Wow, I'm excited for you!
Silver, go this angelfish website/forum. We use it sometimes for angelfish questions. Good luck! I'm sure we'll be going through it in the next couple of months too!
I guess this would help: :*)

Sorry, but I have to delete the link. It breaks the rule about promoting other forums. But, it looks like silver has it already. ;)

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