Help me name my fish.


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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We've been kinda naming the fish along a Finding Nemo theme. I picked up an otto today (wanted more than one but won't have the space for about a week plus they could only find one in the tanks)

However my new little otto man needs a name. He's a little guy bout 1 inch long.

right now I' have the following fish with the following names so you guys can help out choosing a new one for him.

Nemo - Baby Albino Oscar
Sharkbait - Some sort of pleco possibly common
Marlin & Dory - Pair of sunset gouramis
Deb & Flo - Pair of salt and pepper corys (flo has the bum tail)
jacques & Peach - Pair of Clown Loaches.

So now the Otto needs a name. I'm saving the shark names for when I add bala's to the big tank.

So what shall he be called.
Ink? Or Inky? I can't remember the octapus' name :dunno: It's not very fitting though :rolleyes:
juliethegr8t said:
How 'bout "Jacques" like the Cleaner Shrimp... hey they both help keep things tidy!! :p
well I already named the one clown loach that.

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