Help me ID cory


Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
Please help me identify these two new corys I bought over the weekend...thanks

First One:




The first one is a Schwartzii or Schwartz's for sure. I have a trio of them myself, the second one, not so sure but if you can you should get at least another cory, preferably 2 more of each species.
I wish I more room in the tank, tis already overstocked. I also have 3 peppered, 1 bronze and 1 bandit along with the new ones.
It could be, or it could be one of a dozen or more similar looking cories. IMO it probably IS the same species but it might be listed as another species because it's markings aren't quite identical. There are literally 100's of species of Cories and while the Amazon is a diverse place, I find it a stretch some of the different species listed aren't actually the same species but with different color morphs even if they're from seperate bodies of water. The Amazon basin is basically a giant floodplain at times. I don't know the physical location or distances the different "species" are found in so I don't know how many are just conicedental in coloration but a truly seperate species either.
When you say you think its the same species, are you referring to the Schwartz species? They came from the same tank at the lfs, the tank was labeled Leopard catfish.
Sorry, meant the other one you linked to, the Corydoras surinamensis. Common names such as leopard catfish are next to useless in properly identifying fish. There are at least 4 fish that go under the name "Butterfly pleco" for instance yet only two are actual pleco species.
Sad of the Corydoras surinamensis died along with 2 of my peppered corys. I thought this problem with the the corys was over with but I was wrong. I lost 3 of my guys. :-(

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