Help Me Get Prepared


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Apr 10, 2012
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I have been advised with diffrent thing to do to feed my betta fry when they have hatched..

How long after they have hatched do i wait to feed them?

What should i be prepared with to feed them (Diffrent things?)

I have been advised to use, Boiled egg yolk in a spray can with water in and mix the egg yolk in it..

Also, put a lettuce leaf in a bottle of fish tank water and use that to feed them..

I have also ordered some microworms (thanks sharron for that btw)

I have a 1ltr bottle with brine shrimp eggs in that im hatching, i put a airstone in it and also the recomended salt, but when they hatch, i dont know really what to do with them and dont know how to tell they have hatched, so any help about that would be good

Is there any other suggestions, also like when to release the male etc
i start feeding as soon as the fry are free swimming (day 3) with microwormsbut you can do this as soon as they actually hatch, i used to use liquifry but it just poluted the tank, the fry who have the will to live will find the microworms, forget the egg yolk this will polute the tank and you will loose the fry. keep on microworms for 7 - 10 days then alternate with newly hatched brine shrimps 3 x a day, you will know when the brine shrimp have hatched, just turn off the airation after 24 hours and you can clearly see them swimming around, keep you brine shrimp hatching daily b/c after 24 hours they loose there benifits for fry, keep the fry on microworms and brineshrimp for 2 weeks then just brineshrip, add crushed flake as well after 1 month of age.
LOL to spray can

if you do go down the egg route be careful with ammonia readings, especially if no filter in tank. Sorry i cant be more helpful with actual food suggestions.

my little tip for new borns (fish) is to promote some kind of algae growth or stick some in, so they can nibble (might not apply for betta's and obviosuly you need to consider the protein element for good growth)

EDIT: Modoz said similar to me while i was posting i see about the egg, at least this way you can forget about the spray can too
LOL to spray can

if you do go down the egg route be careful with ammonia readings, especially if no filter in tank. Sorry i cant be more helpful with actual food suggestions.

my little tip for new borns (fish) is to promote some kind of algae growth or stick some in, so they can nibble (might not apply for betta's and obviosuly you need to consider the protein element for good growth)

EDIT: Modoz said similar to me while i was posting i see about the egg, at least this way you can forget about the spray can too

there is a filter in the tank, how often do i do a waterchange now there is eggs in the tank?

i start feeding as soon as the fry are free swimming (day 3) with microwormsbut you can do this as soon as they actually hatch, i used to use liquifry but it just poluted the tank, the fry who have the will to live will find the microworms, forget the egg yolk this will polute the tank and you will loose the fry. keep on microworms for 7 - 10 days then alternate with newly hatched brine shrimps 3 x a day, you will know when the brine shrimp have hatched, just turn off the airation after 24 hours and you can clearly see them swimming around, keep you brine shrimp hatching daily b/c after 24 hours they loose there benifits for fry, keep the fry on microworms and brineshrimp for 2 weeks then just brineshrip, add crushed flake as well after 1 month of age.

When the shrimp have hatched, how do i feed it to them? i have a small shringe i got from LFS.. do i need to clean the hatched shrimp?
not having a go.. but i asked you before you spawned if you had everything in place and ready for your fry.. and you said yes.. from this thread it seem you dont. you have a micro worm culture on the way? it takes a bout a week for it to grow suficiantly to harvest it.

but never mind eh...
not having a go.. but i asked you before you spawned if you had everything in place and ready for your fry.. and you said yes.. from this thread it seem you dont. you have a micro worm culture on the way? it takes a bout a week for it to grow suficiantly to harvest it.

but never mind eh...

I hvae the bbs eggs already hatched, and have set up new one to hatch everyday so i got a constant supply of fresh ones..

I was just wondering other ways i could feed them.

The prepared part was refering to when to release the male, when to start feeding them etc.. to be 100% sure im doing correct..

I have also prepared some green water

There is no harm in making sure is there?
the Microworm should already be ready and feeding the fry!
then i think its a week and you should be feeding them baby brine shrimp...
or daphina!
They sell brine shrimp nets for a dollar I think, but another possibility is this:

Use an older coke bottle (pepsi 7up etc..). Add some salt to the water, and add all the eggs. After about 24 hours, they will begin hatching, and this is when you use your filter paper (can be a coffee filter) and cover the top of the bottle, and pour. You will see a few wiggling at the top if you look really closely. You then wash under some tap water and feed.
I have also prepared some green water

There is no harm in making sure is there?
what will you do with green water? its no use for feeding betta fry.

nope.. no harm..

I was told for the first week that you could fee the fry on this.. is that not true?

Quote from a website

Infusoria / Greenwater - This is just algae (greenwater) and other microscopic critters like rotifers and paramecium (infusoria)

So is that out of the question then?
who the heck told you not too use green water this stuff is great!
use the infusoria!
i am setting up a tank with this stuff in so the fry have best chance at survivng
who the heck told you not too use green water this stuff is great!
use the infusoria!
i am setting up a tank with this stuff in so the fry have best chance at survivng

green water is just free floating algae, it dont move like infrusia, or live foods. its good for some kinds of fry, but not betta. the stuff that feeds on the green water (the infrusia and daphnia) is good, but green water on its own is no use for betta
hmm i was told the green water has infusoria in which is the best option to feed bettas

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