Help me figure out what size


New Member
Jul 25, 2004
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I am trying to determine the size tank to purchase based on how much water I will need to change out weekly. The pet store I am buying my supplies from tells me that I will do just fine with just a tank and sponge covered power head if I switch out 10% of my water with 10% of his water per week. He went on to say I would need no other filtering units.

If the above info is correct, is it possible that I can somehow make the water on my own without having to buy it from him weekly. He is an hours drive from my house so that is not really feesible.

For a Salt water tank, is it really necessary to swithch out that much water per week? Is there any way to clean the water with a seperate tank underneat the stand?

We want to get a minimum of a 58 gal tank, but would love to get a 75 gal tank. We already have a lot of the fish and coral we want to add and really a 58 gal tank is gonna be quite small for our plans, but the water exchange is going to be quite a big issue for us.


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