Help Me Fight The Badger Cull!


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2008
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Cheshire, UK
Don't know whether you are aware but a new badger cull plan is due to take place in England next year. A couple of years ago, a huge campaign to stop a cull against badgers for measures to control bovine tuberculosis in cattle was launched. Unfortunately, the Welsh Assembly Government decided to go ahead with the cull in Wales however Hilary Benn, MP and Defra's minister of Rural Affairs rejected the plans in the UK for a cull. Hilary has been since got a new role and Caroline Spelman has taken over his role and is now reconsidering the badger cull to go forward. I have extensively researched the subject (if you want you can google 'badger cull 2010' yourselves) and the evidence suggests there is not enough evidence to prove badgers alone spread Bovine TB in British Cattle and that a cull would not eradicate the problem at all, whilst thousands of badgers will be shot. A scheme to perhaps allow farmers a license to shoot badgers is also the worst idea I've ever heard.

I tried to keep this topic brief, so if you want to help (please!) then:

1) Sign the online Petition-
2) Email the Farming Minister Jim Paice and express your concerns (he is sadly supporting the cull): [email protected]

3) Write to the Prime Minister David Cameron with your concerns. (You know the address!) We all know most politicians are obnoxious **** and unfortunately, David Cameron is supporting the cull. Labour on the other hand are rejecting the idea. He's got more power than anyone, whether he listens to you, it's worth a try.

4) Email the Defra Secretary of State, Caroline Spelman MP, who initially approved plans for the cull to take place in the United Kingdom. [email protected]

Obvioiusly, you may be FOR the badger cull, although I hope not. There isn't enough evidence, a successful oral vaccine has already been developed but not being put to use! How far you go to fighting this depends on your beliefs, but please, raise your voice and together with TFF, I can raise awareness about this saddening issue.

Many Thanks
Good for you mate,i shall read into this more tommorow, i cannot beleive we have to keep culling things, Badgers are a beautiful creature and deserve protection from numb nutts in power
If there is no real evidence to say a cull would be beneficial then I definitely agree with your point. You shouldn't kill 100's or 1000's of anything just on the off chance it might improve things a tiny bit. I can understand that without any statistics wales went ahead with it, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to take their results, analyse them and then say if it's worth it or not.
At the end of the day I eat meat, I can't really prise one animal over another, especially when one forms the livlihood of many many people. But... I do think killing without any real benefit is wrong. Ie. hunting for sport with no plan on eating what you kill is very wrong in my opinion.

Flip side, farming is tough. The reason the vaccine isn't in place is purely economics. If ALL the farmers were forced to do it then that'd be fine. But they aren't. Which means that when dave down the road decides to start using it so put the price of his cows up, the shops just go to george who doesn't and therefore has cheaper cows. I can completely see why farmers would back the culls if there is any chance it could lead to less cases of TB, it's free and also it saves them money. Win win. And when it's their homes and jobs at stake... what would you expect?

I will read into it some more tomorrow, but will almost definitely sign the petition if things are how you say they are. :)
Badgers are a beautiful creature and deserve protection from numb nutts in power

Badger are volatile disease carrying animals, get close to these things and you will lose a leg.
Me too, living in the countryside I've bumped into them on countless occasions. Unless you corner them they'll pick flight over fight any day.

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