Help Me Decide If I Can Breed Them.


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
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Here are two bettas, 1 female, 1 male. I want to breed them... but IDK the history of them... nor do I know if any is sick or anything else like age... can anyone help me out in seeing if this is a good pair? :X Thanks if any help is given. :fun:
have you bred before?
if they're over a year old it's not recommended, you get deformed fry.
if you can't tell if they're sick or not, definately don't breed.
do you have the equipment ready for a spawn?
Lovely though they are, you should never breed bettas if you aren't certain of their health status, age, and lineage. Assuming you got them from a pet store, not a breeder, I would not go for it. If your pair is too old, the spawn may fail, or may come out malformed. If either is unhealthy, the stress of breeding could be detrimental. And, if you don't know their lineage, you are going to wind up with a bunch of VTs or mixed tail types that will be near impossible to find homes for.
well my male has already formed its bubble nest... hmm nah i dont want to risk it :angry:
boys always make bubble nests when they're happy
doesn't mean they need to breed

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