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Sep 19, 2005
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I have a 50G tank, with 10 white clouds, and 8 green tiger barbs in it, with 7 harlequin rasboras coming out of new fish quarantine today. We were planning on getting 8 more rasboras, and a couple dwarf Gourami to fill out the tank (slowly of course) but I am very taken with the bottom dwelling fish like Corys.

I was wondering if you could suggest some different types that might do well in the setup I have planned, hopefully keeping to smaller ones, so I can swap them one for one for the planned rasboras.


all of those fish will be fine with corys... what sort of temp is the tank at?

around 28 deg and your fine...

Have a look round your ships and see what they have - we have Pandas and Aldolfi's

Planet catfish has a great directory to look through....

Thumbnails of Corydoras species
Albino and Bronze cories are a great cory to start out with. They are usually strong and arent too picky about water conditions.
Peppered Corys are ace too, peppered, albino and bronze are norm the least expencive. If you want fry best to go with albino or bronze as peppered corys eat thier eggs (so ive been told)

My tank is at around 76. degrees, which is about 24 celcius.

Thanks for the suggestions!

My tank is at around 76. degrees, which is about 24 celcius.

In that case both peppereds and bronzees should be fine. And you certainly wouldn't want to up the temperature to 28 if you've got white clouds in there, as they prefer cooler temperatures.
get a ruby shark they are much like plecos and do eat some algee dibree in the tank and can grow up to 6 to 8 inches in a 20 to 30 gallon tank witch will most likly reduce algee and a quite spectacular fish at the same tim note if you put them in with surrten amount of fish they can get diseases and result to death
My tank is at around 76. degrees, which is about 24 celcius.

Hi Jinxxie :)

In that case, the temperature will be fine for almost any cory you find at your lfs. I would like to suggest the C. aeneus (bronze or albino), C. paleatus (peppered corys), C. metae (bandit corys), C. trilineatus (often sold as C. julli) to start out. C. pandas are attractive, but are a little harder to get established.

Please let us know which ones you decide on. :D
... what sort of temp is the tank at?

around 28 deg and your fine...

Thumbnails of Corydoras species

Not so. :no:

If her tank has to be that warm for her other fish, she will be limited to C. sterbai and a few other warm water corys. 28 degrees C. is 82.4 degrees F., and most corys do best in the mid-seventies temperature range.

Thanks Inch

I got my temps wrong... our 'hottest' is at 28... most are at 25.

At least some one corrected me - and i wasn't responsible for any problems :*)

Thanks for the help everyone, we have two new bronze corys in the quarantine tank!!

We're calling them Adam and Jamie.

Hi Jinxxie :)

Congratulations! :thumbs: Do you plan to be adding more of them, or will your school have another species too? :unsure:
We're going to see how these do, we'll probably add more. Can you mix species? Or do they like to have all one species in a school? How many do they like to school with (mix/max)

Thanks, So far, they are lovely!


Hi Jinxxie :)

Congratulations! :thumbs: Do you plan to be adding more of them, or will your school have another species too? :unsure:

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