I have a 50G tank, with 10 white clouds, and 8 green tiger barbs in it, with 7 harlequin rasboras coming out of new fish quarantine today. We were planning on getting 8 more rasboras, and a couple dwarf Gourami to fill out the tank (slowly of course) but I am very taken with the bottom dwelling fish like Corys.
I was wondering if you could suggest some different types that might do well in the setup I have planned, hopefully keeping to smaller ones, so I can swap them one for one for the planned rasboras.
I have a 50G tank, with 10 white clouds, and 8 green tiger barbs in it, with 7 harlequin rasboras coming out of new fish quarantine today. We were planning on getting 8 more rasboras, and a couple dwarf Gourami to fill out the tank (slowly of course) but I am very taken with the bottom dwelling fish like Corys.
I was wondering if you could suggest some different types that might do well in the setup I have planned, hopefully keeping to smaller ones, so I can swap them one for one for the planned rasboras.