help me......betta with dropsy!


Aug 13, 2003
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British-Columbia, Can.
it's happened again!!!!!!! my poor little betta.....Breeze has dropsy :-( :-( :-( is there anything i can do 2 help her?????????? i really don't want her 2 die she's really pretty and the only blue female :-( she also has cloudy eyes........i keep all the water really clean and all the other bettas r healthy.....she doesn't eat pellets but still eats bloodworms (lot's) she has been only slightly pineconey for a week.......u can only tell her scales r sticking out from above her.......any help would b great
are you definately sure it's dropsy....I was worried about my other betta the other night, he looked a little pineconey around his stomach area...but he;s fine now...I didn't feed him for a day and the "swelling" went down.... :lol: guess I was just overfeeding him...!

How much do you feed Breeze?

Do you think that might be the he exhiiting any other signs..whats the water like?
The most probable causes of dropsy are...poor water conditions, too high of a nitrate level and/or over feeding. It's an internal bacterial infection and can be treated with tetracyline. Good luch though, it's usually easier to cure if treated as soon as it's noticed, you said it's been a week or so now so I dunno

I'd cut back on food,but don't withold it all together, that may stress her even more and if you think you might lose her anyway there's no reason to make her last few days anymore miserable than they need to be
thanks........i don't feed 2 much and since she was refusing pellets i only fed her 1.....and alternated with a few bloodworms ever few not 2 much food.......i won't feed her 2nite soooo maybe i was feeding 2 much.....i dunno.....a week ago it was really hard 2 tell it was dropsy and only 2 day was i really thinking it was dropsy.......or she's constipated.......what can i give her 4 that?
If she's only been eating one bloodworm a day I doubt she's constipated, but she very well could be. Is her tank "poo free" or is there evidence of pooping? :huh:

Epsom salt will work, treat it at 1 tablespoon per gallon, remove half the water from her tank and put it in a bowl, treat it with a measured dose of salts, put her in it and let her swim around for about 15-30 minutes or until she "goes", if she begins to stress out remove her. Top off the water in her home based bowl and put her back in. After a couple of hours change her water to remove residual salts and excess poop
Awww canis_lupis :sad: I'm sorry to learn that your betta's sick.

I wish there was something more I could add that might help you, but I think wuvmybetta pretty much told you all I know, and then some. I just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking good thoughts for her. :nod:
thanks wuv and inchworm.........there is no gravel in her tank and i don't see any poo....though one thing might kinda looks like a blookworm tho :X i'll try the epsom salt thing cuz she looks bloated....i'll hope 4 the best

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