Fish Crazy
Went to bed last night all fish looked fine. Wife woke me up this morning saying a gourami was staying up near the surface of the tank not moving. I cam and took a look and he seamed bloated around the mid section just behind the gills. I opened the lid to diturb him to see if he swam ok and yeah looked fine. Quickley mad up a salt bath and he is in there now.
What should i do?
Im worried.
The other 3 neon gouramis look fine so do all the other fish.
amonia: 0
temp: 26 degrees c
75 gallon tank
all help appreciated
i've got about an hour until local fish shop opens to go out and by med's if someone can recomend something
What should i do?
Im worried.
The other 3 neon gouramis look fine so do all the other fish.
amonia: 0
temp: 26 degrees c
75 gallon tank
all help appreciated
i've got about an hour until local fish shop opens to go out and by med's if someone can recomend something