Help! Little White Worms In Tank


New Member
Mar 25, 2008
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OK, so today I was dumping a fresh opened bottle of water in my tank because it was might hot and some water evaporated out. Well i decided to dump it on my fake floating log to wet my newt that sits on it (the thing never leaves the log) anywho from around the edge of the log washed down like 20 little white worms. they are approximently 1/8" long give or take. it looked like they were on the edge were the water is really shallow or something. I hav enever seen them before. upon getting washed into the water my little endlers and my betta saw thier twitching and ate most of them. can someone please tell me what these were and what I should do to get rid of them. they might be harmless, but i would rather not have them there. My tank is the one in my sig. 10g. someone point me in the right direction. I dont even know what to google.

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