Help Levels Awful!


Mostly New Member
Apr 11, 2014
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I've just tested my levels which last week had slightly high ammonia but it's gone insane!
35ltr tank
Temp 25.7
Fish in there 2 albino cory catfish, 4 balloon molly babies (2 weeks old) 1 play baby (4 weeks old)
Ph 6.0
Ammonia 2.0ppm
Nitrite 5.0ppm
Nitrate 20ppm

I've just done a 6 ltr water change, then tomorrow will test again and do another.

What could of caused these awful tests and what can I do to help them? Don't want to loose any fish

Any help would be great
Which test kit are you using please?
How long has the tank been set up?
How often are you feeding the babies?
Immediate water change. Increase aeration.
You need to do a much larger water change to get those numbers down, I'd do at least 50% followed by another 50% then test again.
The ammonia with your low ph won't be as toxic but those nitrites will be.
Also those corys need a bigger tank
Using freshwater master test kit, tank been set up about 3 months was cycled before these fish went in there, the babies are fed twice a day with liquid fry food and I drop in 2 shrimp pellets a day for the cory,
Shall do another large water change first thing, and then shall I do one tomorrow evening as well or will the water be too fresh?
What filter are you using?
I think that liquid fry food can mess your water.
Are they old enough for crushed up flakes now? Not sure what filter it is as my brother in law got it for me and he's away with work ATM, it's not got an air intake or any carbon, I have it just above water level a air gets pulled in with flow of water
How old are the fry now?
If it's a really small filter you could get a better one say for a least 15 gallons. Best to over filter a tank.
Make sure you are able to turn the flow down on the filter. Then just transfer your mature filter sponges over to the new filter.
Are you sure your intake tube should not be fully immersed in water? Is it a waterfall type filter that is hanging on the back of the tank? If your filter is not positioned properly maybe your beneficial bacteria is drying out and not able to properly convert the ammonia/nitrite?
It's a filter suitable upto 100ltrs the full filter is under water but the tube when the filtered water comes out is just above the water level to get some oxygen in it,
Have re tested levels just now and they are as follows
Ph high ph test 7.4
Ammonia 1.0ppm
Nitrite 2.0ppm
Nitrate 20ppm

Have just done a 50% water change will retest in an hour or two,
Thank you for the update.
Water stats still looking bad.
Add 2 teaspoons of salt to tank water.
Just get a jug of tank water and add the salt. Stir till the salt dissolves and add to the tank.
I know you said that you had cycled your aquarium, but could I just ask how you did that? Did you use bottled ammonia?
I had guppy In there before I had these fish, but unfortunately they died,
The two cory have now gone to a new home, my brother in law has a 198 gallon tank so has taken them, so now all that is in tank is the 5 babies,
I have also started using flakes for babies today as have been told the liquid fry could pollute the water.
Just add a tea spoon of salt.
Flakes are ok as long as you crush them into small pieces.

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