Help. Lethargic Angel Fish


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Oct 15, 2020
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So about 3 weeks ago my angel fish started swimming at a funny angle, about 45 degrees with face turned upwards.
It was suggested it was outgrowing the tank. I was planning to upgrade soon, so stepped it up. A week later I moved my whole tank over to a new tank (i had had it running 72 hours before the actual move)
The angel actually got worse, getting incredibly lethargic within a few hours so I immediately removed it, returning it alone to the old tank and quarantined it there.
My other angel along with the other fish in the tank have all been absolutely fine through all of this, none showing any symptoms of stress or distress.
Getting some advice from a local tropical fish dealer I gave the angel a round of antibacterial swim bladder treatment. No improvement. He's since had a second round and still no improvement.
Hes not been getting worse, but he hasnt been getting better either. He just lies on the bottom in the corner breathing heavily, getting small bouts of energy when being fed, or light comes on or off, or any interaction, before floating back to the same spot on the bottom. I cant keep both tanks running forever and I'm running out of options.

Tank size: 60L
tank age: 2yrs
pH: 7.2
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0.2
nitrate: 20
tank temp: 79f

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behaviour):
Constantly floating at a 45degree angle facing upwards. (Currently in a quarantine tank.) Incredibly Lethargic, breathing heavily, lying at bottom of the tank mostly, getting small bouts of energy for food or lights or movement, then floating back to the bottom.
Getting a bend in him since lying against the glass.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 25% every 3 days ish

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: coal sand substrate, stress coat, and the swimbladder antibacterial treatment

Tank inhabitants:
Originally, 1 other angel, 4 Gourami, a Pleco and a red finned shark.
Currently none. In quarantine.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
Nothing new added in months

Exposure to chemicals:
Only swimbladder treatment and stressco
Digital photo (include if possible)


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