Help kamakazee Betta

kaz petts

Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ossett, nr Wakefield, West Yorks England
I have a female Betta which I have had a little accident with this evening. I opened the lid to feed her and I scared her half to death (literally) she swam that fast that she jumped out of the tank and down the back of the cabinet the tank is sat on top of. i had to get the husband to move the cabinet for me to get to her, all this took about 1 to 2 minutes as I had to search the cabinet top to make sure she hadn't landed on there, on realising that she had gone down the back of the cabinet I then had to call in recruits for help (hubby). I feared the worst I just got hubby to move cabinet because I didn't want a fish corpse stinking the house out. When he moved the cabinet out I managed to find, what appeared to be a lifeless female betta's body. When I got hold of her she started to flip and flap.
I have placed her carefully back in her tank and she has swum around a bit and also fed. I have put some stress coat in the tank as well. Do you think I should put some re-vitalising tonic in the water, this is salt based or do you think the stress coat will do the job.
I hope she survives, they are pretty tough fish the fall from the top of the tank to the floor is about 4 to 4 and a half foot.

Sorry about your Kamikaze Betta! :lol:

I've heard worse stories, such as bettas being out all night and living to flare a long life.

Stress coat is good. You may also want to add some bettamax. I think she'll be okay. :D
My female flopped out about 3 years ago and I wasn't even in the house,she was next to the wall a LONG time she was nearly dried up. Took her about 4 days but she snapped out of it and I still have her today. :wub: :)
Thanks for the words of confidence.
Kamikaze, as she has now being named, seems to be doing ok. She has started swimming around the tank again with no problems. I think the stress coat helped her get over the stress of the bungee jump (with the elastic).
She still keeps trying to jump out, every so often I hear this thud of fish hitting perspex. I had a friend around earlier tonight, we were sitting watching tele and all of a sudden from the vacinaty of the Betta tank 'THUD'. My friend nearly jumped off the sofa and asked what the noise was.
I relplyed 'Oh it's only Kamikaze trying to make a bid for freedom'

Perhaps I should call her Mrs Houdini! The escape artists wife!


Update on progress.

She is swimming around today as if nothing happened yesterday. I have put her in the tank with the males in with a couple of dividers to separate the males and her, she is in the middle section so the males don't try to fight each other through the divider.
I had a female jump out once in the sink and I am thinking she was in there for a good 30 mins (lucky there was little water residue). Your female has a good chance. My female made it btw way. Becareful in the future, thoses females as well as males are jumpers.

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