help Just after some advice


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2005
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it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission
Hi, Just after some advice, my mate has a 70 gallons (I think)(5'x18"x18") Tropical tank with a mixture of tetra's, plec's and six clown loaches 5" +. The problem is he has spent a small fortune over the years on all sorts of plants for it, they look great for a couple of days and then the clown loaches and co. go to work on eating everything, apart from the java fern and some of the anubias. Is there anything you would suggest on planting in the tank that could be able to withstanding such a battering. Bottom of the tank is sand and gravel, with some large pieces of bogwood and rock. It is filtered by a Fluval 404 and a fluval 203. With good lighting, 3 x 4' tubes with reflectors. Any advise would be greatly received
maybe some of the semi aquatic plants they will last a long time before they rot away like aqua fern water fountain?
If the java fern is suriving, then maybe try some other fine leaved plants. I've had the same problem, all of my broader leaved plants get anhilated, so i tried some finer leaved plants and they are still going strong.. Couldn't recommend a particular one but just anything with finer leaves!

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