Help! Is She Dying Or Having Babies?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
So for the past 2 days now my molly fish has been hiding behind the tree's in my tank! She wont eat and swims around somewhat but goes back to hiding.. I read the article pinned to the top about the signs ect of fish and she is showing all of them but she has been like this for 2 days now! She is officially in a 10 gallon tank by herself as I took out the other female and ditched the tank in a tank idea due to the fact that she looked stressed out!

So is she dying or has she been in labor now for 2 days?????

Here's a pic of her from yesterday!

she looks pretty big to me!

Can't be much longer till she starts popping babies out!
My fish was doing that for about a week, hiding and not eating, (alot anyways) then one night she finally had her babies :)
Don't worry! She'll probably have em soon!
she does look very pregnant, although I wouldn't suprised if it still took a few more days. If she doesn't eat at all within the next three or four days though, I might get a bit worried...
She really doesn't look very pregnant at all to me. It could just be the angle of the picture though.
Well I am pretty sure she is pregnant unless she reabsorbed the babies or aborted them? I will post a pic of her from a few days ago..She also has that white looking tube thing poking out and a very black backend? I would assume they are the fry eyes I see. I am still very new to this fish thing so I am only looking for the symptoms I have read on here! She tends to have all of them!

wow, she looks beautiful in the new picture. Nosoup may be right though, although I still think she looks pregnant, with this clearer image, she doesn't look like she's quite as far on. The back of her stomach hasn't squared out yet, although it looked like it had in the other image. I don't know about the white tube, but she has a clear gravid spot there. is she in a tank in this picture or in a breeder?
She's in a breeder in this tank because I had to move her due to my other female annoying the heck out of her.. I decided to let the pregnant one have the 10 gallon all to herself and put the other female molly back in with the male in the 30 gallon tank.. So hopefully she can just have the babies without being bothered or stressed out now!
I didn't say she wasn't pregnant, I said that she didn't look very pregnant. If she has ever been with a male she is surely pregnant. lol From the new pic, I'd say she still has at least 2 weeks to go...possibly 3.
Hmm.. Perhaps she isnt feeling well then? She seemed lively enough playing and chasing the other female molly around. Then she started hiding behind the one plant and decided she would stay there. She swims about every now and then but mostly stays at the bottom.. I will just have to keep an eye on her.. Is it true that they wont eat the babies for 12 hours due to the hormone surge that I have read here?

She has been with a male.. More times then I think she would have liked.. LOL.. He is a happy boy.. Perhaps too happy always thinking with his fin! Sheesh.. lol

There are 2 females in the 30 gallon with him now and he wont leave either of them alone.. However the other silver molly female I have hasnt had fry at all in the 3 months we have had her. She is almost as big as he is and perhaps is older then I thought when we bought her?

P.S. the second pic was taken a few days ago and the top pic was taken yesterday!
What is true is that depending on the individual fish's temperament, she may never eat her fry. In many cases, a molly will just not bother her fry much. That is the case with this girl who stayed with her fry from one drop to the next.


I have also had mollies that were very much predators on their own fry. It comes down to individual fish variations. The hormone myth is one I have seen before but I don't think the fish ever heard of it. At least they don't act like they know about it.
Thanks for all the insight..:)

My molly girl still hasnt had her babies but we are patiently waiting. She seems more active now and is eating a bit so its a matter of wait and see.. Hopefully I will be able to see her drop and save the babies!

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