Help is it cloudy eye or pop out eye???

Guppy Mad

Fish Fanatic
Sep 2, 2003
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Someone please help me my platy and silver molly has got something on there eye it looks like a gel growing over there eye but im not sure what it is would it be cloudy eye or pop out eye???
Please help and can it spread???
I would be happy if you could write back as soon as poosible so in case it spreads i know what i could do or if i have the chemicals to treat them.
Thanks and help...PLEASE...
I'm going through this myself right now with one of my platies. She has cloudy eyes and one of them has popped out. If you scroll down and read my post "What is this?" I think was the name. It is on this page, there are tons of posts with info.

I have been doing 10% water changed and added Stress Zyme and I have already seen improvement with her.


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