help im confused


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2003
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i currently have a fresh water tropical tank and wanna buy a new tank where i would like to keep clownfish. iv read alot of books and posted a few topics but im very confused. i want a tank that is easy maintenance but it all seems very hard. i know the basics on filteration, protein skimmers etc but do the fish take more looking after and are they more likely to die ??????
you will find that it is quite simple to look after once you know what your doing. marine fish are more sensative and so little changes in water chemestry will shock them but with a god mantanence regeem, you shouldn't have a problem.

ste :)
A FO tank is only sligtly more things to set up and not more difficult at all than a FW tank... as you have found out the information is harder to find though and there is even MORE turmulent wars about what is right and wrong to do.

They do cost more than FW but a FO tank mostly just costs more in the set up. After set up its really just the salt mix with RO water that makes a difference... and this is nominal.

Full reef tanks are FW plant tanks on crack.
It's really not that hard. You just have to know when to stop and plan things in advance.

If you don't do this, you just keep buying more, and more, and more. . .

Good Luck! :fish:

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