Help Im Am Learnding


New Member
Sep 16, 2009
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Yesterday i got my first reef tank delivered. It is a 450 litre. My filter is an eheim 2228 external. I'm not sure what my lighting is, i think its just to globes, one for corals and fish and the other to make it look more realistic. What i was wondering is what conditioners do i need to make tapwater safe? I think all i need is chlorine remover? Should my nitrate, nitrite and ammonia all be at 0? Also what test kits do i need? PH, and i dont know what else. Also i am choosing not to run my tank with a protrein skimmer (cost to much) so would that be alright. And lastly do i have to worry about calcium in a tank?
Thought i would ask all my questions here saving me to make more threads
Thanks. :good:
Yesterday i got my first reef tank delivered. It is a 450 litre. My filter is an eheim 2228 external. I'm not sure what my lighting is, i think its just to globes, one for corals and fish and the other to make it look more realistic. What i was wondering is what conditioners do i need to make tapwater safe? I think all i need is chlorine remover? Should my nitrate, nitrite and ammonia all be at 0? Also what test kits do i need? PH, and i dont know what else. Also i am choosing not to run my tank with a protrein skimmer (cost to much) so would that be alright. And lastly do i have to worry about calcium in a tank?
Thought i would ask all my questions here saving me to make more threads
Thanks. :good:

At the risk of sounding impolite, you really should check out the stickies. All of your concerns have been asked and answered
Yesterday i got my first reef tank delivered. It is a 450 litre. My filter is an eheim 2228 external. I'm not sure what my lighting is, i think its just to globes, one for corals and fish and the other to make it look more realistic. What i was wondering is what conditioners do i need to make tapwater safe? I think all i need is chlorine remover? Should my nitrate, nitrite and ammonia all be at 0? Also what test kits do i need? PH, and i dont know what else. Also i am choosing not to run my tank with a protrein skimmer (cost to much) so would that be alright. And lastly do i have to worry about calcium in a tank?
Thought i would ask all my questions here saving me to make more threads
Thanks. :good:

What do you plan on keeping in the tank? Just fish? or corals?

If you want corals, you will need to identify exactly what lights you have. I think buddy uses dechlorinated tap water on his reef, but most of us use reverse osmosis (RO) water. Your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate should be at 0, but won't be if you use tap water. You need at the minimum amm/nitrite/nitrate/ph tests and a refractometer (preferably) to test specific gravity. On a tank that big, i'd say a skimmer is a must, especially if you plan on getting predatorial fish.

You will also need alot of live rock at ~1lb/gallon and some powerheads. This will be your filtration. I'd fill the eheim with live rock rubble and phosphate removing media.

You don't need to worry about calcium unless you are keeping stony corals, then you should check magnesium/alkalinit/calcium levels as these corals use up the calcium in your water. Also use high quality salt such as reef crystals.

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