Help Iding Some Catfish!


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
My dad recently aquired these two catfish at our LFS and we were wondering what they were exactly? Thought Id post it on here as he's completely PC illiterate :rolleyes:

Any help would be appreciated

Sry pic quality isnt fantastic but they wont keep still long enough!



Yep Platydoras costatus is the one, (don't put this with small fish, they'll disappear overnight)
The other is definitely a Synodontis my initial guess being Synodontis ocellifer - more pics from the side would help iding for sure
(don't put this with small fish, they'll disappear overnight)

Really? I checked up the info after you guys Id'ed (thank you btw :) ) and it said suitable tankmates included the likes of Tetra, I single those guys out as he has a shoal of them. At the mo he's smaller than them believe it or not but it looks like he's going to have to keep an eye on things if what you say is true.
I have one that is almost fully grown at 5 1/2", larger Tetras and barbs should be ok but neons and such like will definitely become food if yours is anything like mine,
Hmm that sounds like a good enough excuse for me to beg the lil guy off him then :lol: Should be ok with my barbs.

Cheers matey :D
One last thing about them is, don't expect to see it very often, these are extremely nocturnal and will only be seen if you happen to be up between say 11pm and 4am
Yeah we expected that. Ive had plecos in the past and theyve been the same. Plenty of hidey holes in both tanks wherever he ends up :nod:
yeah my Platydoras costatus ( raphael catfish) never comes out he sits wedged between the tank and a bit of driftwood.

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