Help identifying the baby fish


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Jan 25, 2021
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In our tank we have gouramis, tetras, clown loaches and some other community fish. As far as I’m aware none of these are live bearing fish. However, about a year ago we brought new plants from the fish shop down the road and a few weeks later we had 2 little fish swimming at the top of the tank. The big fish were trying to eat them so we moved them into my neon tetra tank. We lost one about 6 weeks ago so we only have one left, I named him Jerry. Only problem is that even after a year we still have no clue what it is. The pictures aren’t great but it’s got a beige plain body and the tail sometimes has an almost shimmery black kinda colour. Does anyone know what type of fish it could be?? Or anything I can do to help it have the colours of what it’s meant to be ?? Any advice will be great. ?
In our tank we have gouramis, tetras, clown loaches and some other community fish. As far as I’m aware none of these are live bearing fish. However, about a year ago we brought new plants from the fish shop down the road and a few weeks later we had 2 little fish swimming at the top of the tank. The big fish were trying to eat them so we moved them into my neon tetra tank. We lost one about 6 weeks ago so we only have one left, I named him Jerry. Only problem is that even after a year we still have no clue what it is. The pictures aren’t great but it’s got a beige plain body and the tail sometimes has an almost shimmery black kinda colour. Does anyone know what type of fish it could be?? Or anything I can do to help it have the colours of what it’s meant to be ?? Any advice will be great. ?
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They look like guppies. That I know, that is their color because they are the normal ones.
They look like guppies. That I know, that is their color because they are the normal ones.
Thanks for the help. Does this mean that this is how it is going to stay. Or is the colour going to change at all. Also it is about the size of fairly large neon tetras so is it going get any bigger. Just curious as it’s only in a 32l tank with about 20 tetras and I want to make sure that it’s not going to be cruel to leave it in that tank with just tetras and none of its own kind ?? ??
Yes almost certain Female Guppy, they grow to about 2 1/2 inch. Your 32L is way to small for that many fish.
Female guppys dont have any colours on body at all, Although they may develop slight colours on tail & dorsal fins. The male guppy gets all the colour(s)
Guppys are shoaling fish & need to kept in a group.
But the tank situation is much more critical, None of the fish will have any room to swim.
A rule of thumb is 1 fish approx 1 - 1 1/2 " in size per gallon, A 32l is around 7 Gallons so you are severly overstocked
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Thanks ? Do you know if they get any bigger. It is about the size of a fairly large neon tetra. And is it ok to be left on it’s own or should it really be with others of its kind ?? ??
Female guppies tend to grow up to approx. 8cm max. But most will reach 5-6 cm in an average tank. Not all female guppies are dull of color. There are many female guppies that have colored bodies these days. And the same goes for the finnage. So, it would be incorrect to claim that female guppies are always dull colored.
Basically, keeping a single guppy is not harmfull for the guppy itself. But they do like company.
Thanks for the help. Does this mean that this is how it is going to stay. Or is the colour going to change at all. Also it is about the size of fairly large neon tetras so is it going get any bigger. Just curious as it’s only in a 32l tank with about 20 tetras and I want to make sure that it’s not going to be cruel to leave it in that tank with just tetras and none of its own kind ?? ??
Did you say 8.5 gallons with 20 tetras?! Or is my math wrong. If it’s only a 8.5 gallon tank, then even the 20 tetras is WAY to much. But yes it will stay the same color and won’t get much bigger. Guppies do not need to live in schools. But 20 fish is a 8.5 gallon is way too much. How long has the tank been running. The guppies might not be what you need to worry about.
Yes almost certain Female Guppy, they grow to about 2 1/2 inch. Your 32L is way to small for that many fish.
Female guppys dont have any colours on body at all, Although they may develop slight colours on tail & dorsal fins. The male guppy gets all the colour(s)
Guppys are shoaling fish & need to kept in a group.
But the tank situation is much more critical, None of the fish will have any room to swim.
A rule of thumb is 1 fish approx 1 - 1 1/2 " in size per gallon, A 32l is around 7 Gallons so you are severly overstocked
My 32l only has a few tetras And the one baby fish in it at the moment but the tank with the gourami in is a 360l tank. Sorry if I confused the tanks. We have 3 tanks running at the moment all different sizes and all with different fish in it. Sorry if I made you think that I was torturing fish by keeping them in tiny tanks. I love our fish and wouldn’t do anything to harm them ??.
Did you say 8.5 gallons with 20 tetras?! Or is my math wrong. If it’s only a 8.5 gallon tank, then even the 20 tetras is WAY to much. But yes it will stay the same color and won’t get much bigger. Guppies do not need to live in schools. But 20 fish is a 8.5 gallon is way too much. How long has the tank been running. The guppies might not be what you need to worry about.
I see where the confusion is coming from now It was meant to be 10 tetras in it ?? my finger must have slipped ??
I see where the confusion is coming from now It was meant to be 10 tetras in it ?? my finger must have slipped ??
10 tetras is still to many fish for 8.5 gallons. I believe tetras have a high bio-load as well? I'm not a big expert but it could possibly be okay if you have a good filter? An 8.5 gallon might be the bare minimum for a single betta fish. What type of tetra is it and are there any other fish in the tank? A rule to go by is one inch of fish per gallon of water.
The one inch of fish per gallon is pretty much outdated now. Stocking a tank is more than just the total length of the fish.

It does depend on the species of tetra. Some grow pretty big and 10 of those would definitley be overstocked. But 10 of a small species would be OK. As Byron posted many times, 10 small tetras will actually have less of a bioload that 6 of them. 6 small tetras would be stressed in a group that small but with 10, they'll be less stressed and stressed fish create more bioload than 'happy' fish.

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