Help Identifying/growing Live Plants


Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2014
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Hi guys,
I'm really getting into fish keeping and am very interested in live plants and have been inspired by some of the aquascapes that I have seen.
I just want to make sure I am on the right track.  I THINK I know the correct names of all these plants, but would love if anyone could confirm.  I also want to make sure I can keep them healthy and have them positioned in the right spot in the tank etc.
Some background info about my tank:
Size: 4 foot long, 200 litre tank.
Filter:  Aqua One Clearview HOB filter (800L/h).  I recently added another filter: Aqua One Power Liquid Filer 103F (1200L/h).  This was given to me by a friend who no longer needed it.  Is this too much?  The reason I added it is because I am probably overstocked with fish and thought the extra filtration would help. 
Lighting:  1 x 30W T8 'Tropical' tube and 1 x 30W T8 'Sunlight' Tube.  The tubes are only 3 feet long as my HOB filter is in the right hand corner, which means the right hand corner is a bit darker.
Fish: Neon tetra, Rummynose, Serpae.  Mollies, Platties, Sparkling Gourami, 1 RTBS.
Water stats: I have been doing water changes of at least 25% every other day.  Ammonia and Nitrite are at 0ppm, nitrate always around 30ppm. Temperature is at 26 Celsius.
Tank layout:  Right hand corner darker (due to no light directly above).  Both filters placed in that corner to provide for a 'still' environment in the left hand corner for the sparkling gourami and other fish who like calmer waters.  I have one piece of driftwood (which I plan on tieing some java moss onto soon), one lava rock with plant attached, and one pipe ornament.
Attached below is a FTS so you can see the layout.  
In the following posts I will post pics of my plants and check I have the correct name of the plant.  If anyone could double check that it'd be greatly appreciated.  Also, I'd love some advice on whether I have them in the correct part of the tank in terms of lighting and water movement.  Thanks :)

Plant One: Floating plant.
This is amazon frogbit, correct?
Due to the flow of the filters, it has positioned itself in the left hand corner of the tank, and is growing very well so far.  I know it needs still waters and to not get disrupted, so i think I will just leave it there and work around it.  I put this in for the sparkling gourami and also read that livebearers like floating plants too.  Also good for any fry if they have any. 

Plant two: Hairgrass?  
It came in a pot.  I broke it into three smaller clumps.  How do I get it to spread through the substrate?  Should I break it into smaller clumps?  can I just cut the tops off and shove it in the gravel?  Still water or moving water?  High light or in the shade?

Sorry, didn't realise they would all add to the first post.  Is there anyone I can make them their own posts so that it is easier to read?  Thanks.  I won't post the rest just yet because it will be one very long, hard to read post.  


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Plant three: Lilaeopsis???? (think I spelt it correct).  The mollies in particular enjoy pecking at this (same as the hairgrass).
Came in a pot also, planted it as one big clump.  Should I separate it and plant it in smaller batches to encourage it to spread?  At the moment, it is planted on the left away from the filters so in calmer water.
How do I promote growth?  Do I trim the top and place it in the substrate?  
Does it prefer the high light, or low light?

Plant four:  Blyxa

Was given as a free gift when I purchased other plants.  I am assuming it is a foreground plant like the hairgrass and lilaeopsis?
At the moment, it is in the shaded right hand corner near the filters so it is being blown a bit.  Should it be moved?  Should I spread it out?  I really like the look of it


Plant five:  Lace fern (this was the name given on the site i bought it, but can't find many other sites calling it this).  Is it water sprite?
Can I just chop the stems off and place it in the substrate?  
It is currently planted on the left hand side away from the flow of the filters, but may be covered by amazon frogbit soon.  Will it grow ok in the shade?

Plant six: Wisteria????
It is growing very well at the moment, and is a lot taller than when i put it in a week ago.
Has a lot of light at the moment.  Can I cut the stem and place it in the substrate?

Plant seven:  Pink baby tears? I think.
Currently planted next to the wisteria at the back of the tank.  Should it be a background or midground plant?  getting a bit overshadowed by the wisteria, but it is a more recent addition.
Any special requirements?

Plant eight:  Anubias (not sure which kind though)....
Came attached to the rock.  Is a nice dark green.  
I've read it prefers low light - should it be in the dark corner near the filter then?  At the moment it is middle area receiving full light.
Will it eventually cover the whole rock?  Can i cut some off the rock and plant elsewhere?

Plant nine:  Java fern????
Came as three small plants.  I have attached one to the pipe ornament i have hoping it will take hold.  I will attach one to the driftwood along with some java moss when I get the moss next week.  The third one I am going to try and let grow on the substrate - any tricks?
Does it prefer strong light, low light?  Should it be in still water, or near the filter in the dark area ok?
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Plant ten: Amazon sword 

I seem to think there are different types of amazon sword. This was sold as 'medium' so any ideas on the actual type?  It's about 25cm high.
It's in the middle of the tank sort-of hoping it will be a centrepiece.  In relatively still water with high light.  Is this ok?

There are also a few plants I bought from my LFS:  2 x 'purple temple' and 2 x 'blue stricta'.  Don't think they are true aquatic plants though.  The purple ones have faded and their leaves are curling up, a couple small holes appearing in them, which is part of the reason I want to get my head around all the other aquatic plants and get them growing as best as I can.  I am hoping my other aquatic ones will take off and I can remove these non-aquatic ones soon.  
I would also like a suggestion on some feature purple/red aquatic plants which may work.  I have searched on ebay and like the look of either:
* alternanthera reineckii
* ludwigia gladulosa
* rotala colorata
* red tiger lotus.
if anyone could clarify I have the correct names of each type and give me some pointers that would be fantastic :) 
Thankyou so much to anyone who takes the time to read it and provide some info :)
Guess ill just do some trial and error and move them around if some seem they are struggling.

I have some corkscrew val and milfoil on the way, plus I went for an ozelot red I believe it was called as a reddish plant. Should come in the next few days and ill work it out then.

Thanks to anyone who can provide a little advice :)

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