Help Identify!


New Member
Feb 11, 2012
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Hello! I have two catfish I believe are corys but I've never seen any others like them anywhere I go. I got them at a walmart when I started keeping fish so i didn't really bother to really get to know their name. I got them just to keep my tank a little cleaner but as it turns out they became one of my favorite types of fish! I only have two, I know they are better in groups of 5 or more but I didn't have the tank space. I've attached some pictures! Please help me identify these cute little guys!


Its a synodontis sp. catfish, either upside down or a featherfin squeaker.

Its actually not a corydoras sp.
Its a synodontis sp. catfish, either upside down or a featherfin squeaker.

Its actually not a corydoras sp.
Thank you Dieses Madchen! And I would like to apologize for my hostility on the guppies and betas post a few days ago. Obviously I'm still newer to fish then most others and also extremely new to this forum and I shouldn't take disagreement personally or in a attacking way. I still have things to learn. Im sorry :sad:
Its a synodontis sp. catfish, either upside down or a featherfin squeaker.

Its actually not a corydoras sp.
Thank you Dieses Madchen! And I would like to apologize for my hostility on the guppies and betas post a few days ago. Obviously I'm still newer to fish then most others and also extremely new to this forum and I shouldn't take disagreement personally or in a attacking way. I still have things to learn. Im sorry :sad:

Its all done and in the past hon, no offense at all :) I only hope that I can pass on my experiences as well as what others have taught me. And those are some spectacular synos. I have 6 total myself. 3 featherfins and 3 hybrids. You will get a lot of enjoyment out of those cats. But if I may ask, how large is your tank? If those are indeed featherfins, they get rather large...about 6 inches.
Its a synodontis sp. catfish, either upside down or a featherfin squeaker.

Its actually not a corydoras sp.
Thank you Dieses Madchen! And I would like to apologize for my hostility on the guppies and betas post a few days ago. Obviously I'm still newer to fish then most others and also extremely new to this forum and I shouldn't take disagreement personally or in a attacking way. I still have things to learn. Im sorry :sad:

Its all done and in the past hon, no offense at all :) I only hope that I can pass on my experiences as well as what others have taught me. And those are some spectacular synos. I have 6 total myself. 3 featherfins and 3 hybrids. You will get a lot of enjoyment out of those cats. But if I may ask, how large is your tank? If those are indeed featherfins, they get rather large...about 6 inches.

They are in a 50 gallon... is that big enough?
Its a synodontis sp. catfish, either upside down or a featherfin squeaker.

Its actually not a corydoras sp.
Thank you Dieses Madchen! And I would like to apologize for my hostility on the guppies and betas post a few days ago. Obviously I'm still newer to fish then most others and also extremely new to this forum and I shouldn't take disagreement personally or in a attacking way. I still have things to learn. Im sorry :sad:

Its all done and in the past hon, no offense at all :) I only hope that I can pass on my experiences as well as what others have taught me. And those are some spectacular synos. I have 6 total myself. 3 featherfins and 3 hybrids. You will get a lot of enjoyment out of those cats. But if I may ask, how large is your tank? If those are indeed featherfins, they get rather large...about 6 inches.

They are in a 50 gallon... is that big enough?
perfect :) How many do you have?
Its a synodontis sp. catfish, either upside down or a featherfin squeaker.

Its actually not a corydoras sp.
Thank you Dieses Madchen! And I would like to apologize for my hostility on the guppies and betas post a few days ago. Obviously I'm still newer to fish then most others and also extremely new to this forum and I shouldn't take disagreement personally or in a attacking way. I still have things to learn. Im sorry :sad:

Its all done and in the past hon, no offense at all :) I only hope that I can pass on my experiences as well as what others have taught me. And those are some spectacular synos. I have 6 total myself. 3 featherfins and 3 hybrids. You will get a lot of enjoyment out of those cats. But if I may ask, how large is your tank? If those are indeed featherfins, they get rather large...about 6 inches.

They are in a 50 gallon... is that big enough?
perfect :) How many do you have?

Only two:( I went to school in South Carolina and thats where i started my first tank, 5 gallons, and i didn't want to get more then two at the time. They are so cute though! If i separate them they turn white like "Wheres my best friend?!"
Its a synodontis sp. catfish, either upside down or a featherfin squeaker.

Its actually not a corydoras sp.
Thank you Dieses Madchen! And I would like to apologize for my hostility on the guppies and betas post a few days ago. Obviously I'm still newer to fish then most others and also extremely new to this forum and I shouldn't take disagreement personally or in a attacking way. I still have things to learn. Im sorry :sad:

Its all done and in the past hon, no offense at all :) I only hope that I can pass on my experiences as well as what others have taught me. And those are some spectacular synos. I have 6 total myself. 3 featherfins and 3 hybrids. You will get a lot of enjoyment out of those cats. But if I may ask, how large is your tank? If those are indeed featherfins, they get rather large...about 6 inches.

They are in a 50 gallon... is that big enough?
perfect :) How many do you have?

Only two:( I went to school in South Carolina and thats where i started my first tank, 5 gallons, and i didn't want to get more then two at the time. They are so cute though! If i separate them they turn white like "Wheres my best friend?!"
One thing I have seen with these guys is the more the merrier. I currently have three and they roll in a pack. I think the best group I saw was actually at walmart. They have about 8 1-inchers in a tank and they were shoaling in a large group around the tank. Simply beautiful! My goal is to get to that point!
Awe that would be awesome! Nothing like swimming around with a bunch of your best friends! They are pretty tough too! One day when I cleaned my tank I took out all of the decorations and the littler one of the little guys was hiding in one of the caves so that you couldnt see him. He was out of the water for about 5 minutes before I realized that he wasn't in the tank! Luckily he survived! I would have been so sad if I had killed him accidently :-(

Also, What temperature would be best for them? I keep the tank at about 77 degrees F.
That is what seems to be okay for mine. My tank is at 75F and mine are as active as ever. They are tough as nails fish. Mine are in a tank with 2 Severums and 17 convicts

These are my guys. In the first pic, the guy on top is about 5 inches, and the other two are about 2.5 inches.


They are precious! Mine seem to be extremely peaceful and stay out of the way of others. Do yours act the same?
Yes they do. They are extremely peaceful and will live in harmony with most fish. My large one was with oscars until i got the little ones. I moves them with the convicts as I was worried the oscars would see the youngins as food. I want to say 99% of fish are not bothered by a syno cat, as they are not a predatory catfish and are not a competition for food.

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