Help identify this pleco

Could be anything. Fish stores like to invent names if they don't know the real one (or think the real one isn't exciting enough)

Description? Photo?
I just made an account with so i could upload a picture. It was a pain getting a good picture of him too.

It's quite a fuzzy picture, but it looks like it could be a species of rubber-lip pleco. (chaetostoma sp.)

Have a look at this .. is your fish there?
I called the store back and they told me the girl that told me it was a "diamond pleco" didn't know what she was talking about. They told me its a godlen nugget pleco. Could it be one of the ones thats brown with orange spots? I've heard golden nugget plecos don't have as much color when they're young. i'll try taking some better pics, but i'll probablly have to wait til tonight. He doesn't come out much during the day.

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